C# Class LeopotamGroup.Math.Vector3i

Datei anzeigen Open project: Leopotam/LeopotamGroupLibraryUnity Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
back Vector3i
down Vector3i
forward Vector3i
left Vector3i
one Vector3i
right Vector3i
up Vector3i
x int
y int
z int
zero Vector3i

Public Methods

Method Description
Clamp ( Vector3i value, Vector3i min, Vector3i max ) : Vector3i

Return clamped version of specified vector with min/max range.

Equals ( object rhs ) : bool

Is instance equals with specified one.

GetHashCode ( ) : int

Get hash code.

Max ( Vector3i lhs, Vector3i rhs ) : Vector3i

Combine new Vector3i from max values of two vectors.

Min ( Vector3i lhs, Vector3i rhs ) : Vector3i

Combine new Vector3i from min values of two vectors.

ToString ( ) : string

Return formatted X/Y/Z values.

Vector3i ( Vector2 v ) : System

Initialization from Vector2 instance.

Vector3i ( Vector2i v ) : System

Initialization from Vector2i instance.

Vector3i ( Vector3 v ) : System

Initialization from Vector3 instance.

Vector3i ( Vector3i v ) : System

Initialization from Vector3i instance.

Vector3i ( Vector4 v ) : System

Initialization from Vector4 instance.

Vector3i ( Vector4i v ) : System

Initialization from Vector4i instance.

Vector3i ( int inX, int inY ) : System

Initialization with custom values for X/Y with Z=0.

Vector3i ( int inX, int inY, int inZ ) : System

Initialization with custom values for X/Y/Z.

operator ( ) : Vector3i
operator ( ) : bool

Method Details

Clamp() public static method

Return clamped version of specified vector with min/max range.
public static Clamp ( Vector3i value, Vector3i min, Vector3i max ) : Vector3i
value Vector3i Source vector.
min Vector3i Min value.
max Vector3i Max value.
return Vector3i

Equals() public method

Is instance equals with specified one.
public Equals ( object rhs ) : bool
rhs object Specified instance for comparation.
return bool

GetHashCode() public method

Get hash code.
public GetHashCode ( ) : int
return int

Max() public static method

Combine new Vector3i from max values of two vectors.
public static Max ( Vector3i lhs, Vector3i rhs ) : Vector3i
lhs Vector3i First vector.
rhs Vector3i Second vector.
return Vector3i

Min() public static method

Combine new Vector3i from min values of two vectors.
public static Min ( Vector3i lhs, Vector3i rhs ) : Vector3i
lhs Vector3i First vector.
rhs Vector3i Second vector.
return Vector3i

ToString() public method

Return formatted X/Y/Z values.
public ToString ( ) : string
return string

Vector3i() public method

Initialization from Vector2 instance.
public Vector3i ( Vector2 v ) : System
v Vector2
return System

Vector3i() public method

Initialization from Vector2i instance.
public Vector3i ( Vector2i v ) : System
v Vector2i
return System

Vector3i() public method

Initialization from Vector3 instance.
public Vector3i ( Vector3 v ) : System
v Vector3
return System

Vector3i() public method

Initialization from Vector3i instance.
public Vector3i ( Vector3i v ) : System
v Vector3i
return System

Vector3i() public method

Initialization from Vector4 instance.
public Vector3i ( Vector4 v ) : System
v Vector4
return System

Vector3i() public method

Initialization from Vector4i instance.
public Vector3i ( Vector4i v ) : System
v Vector4i
return System

Vector3i() public method

Initialization with custom values for X/Y with Z=0.
public Vector3i ( int inX, int inY ) : System
inX int X value.
inY int Y value.
return System

Vector3i() public method

Initialization with custom values for X/Y/Z.
public Vector3i ( int inX, int inY, int inZ ) : System
inX int X value.
inY int Y value.
inZ int Z value.
return System

operator() public static method

public static operator ( ) : Vector3i
return Vector3i

operator() public static method

public static operator ( ) : bool
return bool

Property Details

back public_oe static_oe property

Static value of Vector3i(0, 0, -1). No protection from external property changes, dont be stupid to do this!
public static Vector3i,LeopotamGroup.Math back
return Vector3i

down public_oe static_oe property

Static value of Vector3i(0, -1, 0). No protection from external property changes, dont be stupid to do this!
public static Vector3i,LeopotamGroup.Math down
return Vector3i

forward public_oe static_oe property

Static value of Vector3i(0, 0, 1). No protection from external property changes, dont be stupid to do this!
public static Vector3i,LeopotamGroup.Math forward
return Vector3i

left public_oe static_oe property

Static value of Vector3i(-1, 0, 0). No protection from external property changes, dont be stupid to do this!
public static Vector3i,LeopotamGroup.Math left
return Vector3i

one public_oe static_oe property

Static value of Vector3i(1, 1, 1). No protection from external property changes, dont be stupid to do this!
public static Vector3i,LeopotamGroup.Math one
return Vector3i

right public_oe static_oe property

Static value of Vector3i(1, 0, 0). No protection from external property changes, dont be stupid to do this!
public static Vector3i,LeopotamGroup.Math right
return Vector3i

up public_oe static_oe property

Static value of Vector3i(0, 1, 0). No protection from external property changes, dont be stupid to do this!
public static Vector3i,LeopotamGroup.Math up
return Vector3i

x public_oe property

X field.
public int x
return int

y public_oe property

Y field.
public int y
return int

z public_oe property

Z field.
public int z
return int

zero public_oe static_oe property

Static value of Vector3i(0, 0, 0). No protection from external property changes, dont be stupid to do this!
public static Vector3i,LeopotamGroup.Math zero
return Vector3i