C# Class LeopotamGroup.Math.Vector3i

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Public Properties

Property Type Description
back Vector3i
down Vector3i
forward Vector3i
left Vector3i
one Vector3i
right Vector3i
up Vector3i
x int
y int
z int
zero Vector3i

Public Methods

Method Description
Clamp ( Vector3i value, Vector3i min, Vector3i max ) : Vector3i

Return clamped version of specified vector with min/max range.

Equals ( object rhs ) : bool

Is instance equals with specified one.

GetHashCode ( ) : int

Get hash code.

Max ( Vector3i lhs, Vector3i rhs ) : Vector3i

Combine new Vector3i from max values of two vectors.

Min ( Vector3i lhs, Vector3i rhs ) : Vector3i

Combine new Vector3i from min values of two vectors.

ToString ( ) : string

Return formatted X/Y/Z values.

Vector3i ( Vector2 v ) : System

Initialization from Vector2 instance.

Vector3i ( Vector2i v ) : System

Initialization from Vector2i instance.

Vector3i ( Vector3 v ) : System

Initialization from Vector3 instance.

Vector3i ( Vector3i v ) : System

Initialization from Vector3i instance.

Vector3i ( Vector4 v ) : System

Initialization from Vector4 instance.

Vector3i ( Vector4i v ) : System

Initialization from Vector4i instance.

Vector3i ( int inX, int inY ) : System

Initialization with custom values for X/Y with Z=0.

Vector3i ( int inX, int inY, int inZ ) : System

Initialization with custom values for X/Y/Z.

operator ( ) : Vector3i
operator ( ) : bool

Method Details

Clamp() public static method

Return clamped version of specified vector with min/max range.
public static Clamp ( Vector3i value, Vector3i min, Vector3i max ) : Vector3i
value Vector3i Source vector.
min Vector3i Min value.
max Vector3i Max value.
return Vector3i

Equals() public method

Is instance equals with specified one.
public Equals ( object rhs ) : bool
rhs object Specified instance for comparation.
return bool

GetHashCode() public method

Get hash code.
public GetHashCode ( ) : int
return int

Max() public static method

Combine new Vector3i from max values of two vectors.
public static Max ( Vector3i lhs, Vector3i rhs ) : Vector3i
lhs Vector3i First vector.
rhs Vector3i Second vector.
return Vector3i

Min() public static method

Combine new Vector3i from min values of two vectors.
public static Min ( Vector3i lhs, Vector3i rhs ) : Vector3i
lhs Vector3i First vector.
rhs Vector3i Second vector.
return Vector3i

ToString() public method

Return formatted X/Y/Z values.
public ToString ( ) : string
return string

Vector3i() public method

Initialization from Vector2 instance.
public Vector3i ( Vector2 v ) : System
v Vector2
return System

Vector3i() public method

Initialization from Vector2i instance.
public Vector3i ( Vector2i v ) : System
v Vector2i
return System

Vector3i() public method

Initialization from Vector3 instance.
public Vector3i ( Vector3 v ) : System
v Vector3
return System

Vector3i() public method

Initialization from Vector3i instance.
public Vector3i ( Vector3i v ) : System
v Vector3i
return System

Vector3i() public method

Initialization from Vector4 instance.
public Vector3i ( Vector4 v ) : System
v Vector4
return System

Vector3i() public method

Initialization from Vector4i instance.
public Vector3i ( Vector4i v ) : System
v Vector4i
return System

Vector3i() public method

Initialization with custom values for X/Y with Z=0.
public Vector3i ( int inX, int inY ) : System
inX int X value.
inY int Y value.
return System

Vector3i() public method

Initialization with custom values for X/Y/Z.
public Vector3i ( int inX, int inY, int inZ ) : System
inX int X value.
inY int Y value.
inZ int Z value.
return System

operator() public static method

public static operator ( ) : Vector3i
return Vector3i

operator() public static method

public static operator ( ) : bool
return bool

Property Details

back public static property

Static value of Vector3i(0, 0, -1). No protection from external property changes, dont be stupid to do this!
public static Vector3i,LeopotamGroup.Math back
return Vector3i

down public static property

Static value of Vector3i(0, -1, 0). No protection from external property changes, dont be stupid to do this!
public static Vector3i,LeopotamGroup.Math down
return Vector3i

forward public static property

Static value of Vector3i(0, 0, 1). No protection from external property changes, dont be stupid to do this!
public static Vector3i,LeopotamGroup.Math forward
return Vector3i

left public static property

Static value of Vector3i(-1, 0, 0). No protection from external property changes, dont be stupid to do this!
public static Vector3i,LeopotamGroup.Math left
return Vector3i

one public static property

Static value of Vector3i(1, 1, 1). No protection from external property changes, dont be stupid to do this!
public static Vector3i,LeopotamGroup.Math one
return Vector3i

right public static property

Static value of Vector3i(1, 0, 0). No protection from external property changes, dont be stupid to do this!
public static Vector3i,LeopotamGroup.Math right
return Vector3i

up public static property

Static value of Vector3i(0, 1, 0). No protection from external property changes, dont be stupid to do this!
public static Vector3i,LeopotamGroup.Math up
return Vector3i

x public property

X field.
public int x
return int

y public property

Y field.
public int y
return int

z public property

Z field.
public int z
return int

zero public static property

Static value of Vector3i(0, 0, 0). No protection from external property changes, dont be stupid to do this!
public static Vector3i,LeopotamGroup.Math zero
return Vector3i