C# Class AGS.Types.SpriteFolder

Inheritance: ISpriteFolder
Datei anzeigen Open project: adventuregamestudio/ags Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
FindFolderThatContainsSprite ( int spriteNumber ) : SpriteFolder

Finds the SpriteFolder object for the folder that contains the sprite. Returns null if the sprite is not found.

FindSpriteByID ( int spriteNumber, bool recursive ) : Sprite

Finds the Sprite object for the specified sprite number. Returns null if the sprite is not found.

GetAllSpritesFromAllSubFolders ( ) : IList

Assembles a list of all the sprites in the current folder and sub-folders

NotifyClientsOfUpdate ( ) : void

Causes the SpritesUpdated event to be fired. You should call this if you modify the sprites and need the Sprite Manager window to update to reflect the changes. Only call this on the Root sprite folder.

SpriteFolder ( XmlNode node ) : System
SpriteFolder ( string name ) : System
ToXml ( XmlTextWriter writer ) : void

Method Details

FindFolderThatContainsSprite() public method

Finds the SpriteFolder object for the folder that contains the sprite. Returns null if the sprite is not found.
public FindFolderThatContainsSprite ( int spriteNumber ) : SpriteFolder
spriteNumber int Sprite number to look for
return SpriteFolder

FindSpriteByID() public method

Finds the Sprite object for the specified sprite number. Returns null if the sprite is not found.
public FindSpriteByID ( int spriteNumber, bool recursive ) : Sprite
spriteNumber int Sprite number to look for
recursive bool Whether to also search sub-folders
return Sprite

GetAllSpritesFromAllSubFolders() public method

Assembles a list of all the sprites in the current folder and sub-folders
public GetAllSpritesFromAllSubFolders ( ) : IList
return IList

NotifyClientsOfUpdate() public method

Causes the SpritesUpdated event to be fired. You should call this if you modify the sprites and need the Sprite Manager window to update to reflect the changes. Only call this on the Root sprite folder.
public NotifyClientsOfUpdate ( ) : void
return void

SpriteFolder() public method

public SpriteFolder ( XmlNode node ) : System
node System.Xml.XmlNode
return System

SpriteFolder() public method

public SpriteFolder ( string name ) : System
name string
return System

ToXml() public method

public ToXml ( XmlTextWriter writer ) : void
writer System.Xml.XmlTextWriter
return void