C# Class control.GestureManager

Manage a collection of gesture and perodically evaluate them.
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
paused bool
running bool

Public Methods

Method Description
AddGesture ( Gesture g ) : void

to add a new gesture to the list.

GestureManager ( int pointingHand ) : System

Constructor of the GestuerManager Class

Run ( ) : void

the function that will be runing in the sperated thread.

start ( ) : void

to start the evaluation thread.

updateState ( ) : void

update(evaluate) the state of all gesture.

Method Details

AddGesture() public method

to add a new gesture to the list.
public AddGesture ( Gesture g ) : void
g Gesture the gesture to be added
return void

GestureManager() public method

Constructor of the GestuerManager Class
public GestureManager ( int pointingHand ) : System
pointingHand int A spsecific hand to will be used for pointing(aiming)
return System

Run() public method

the function that will be runing in the sperated thread.
public Run ( ) : void
return void

start() public method

to start the evaluation thread.
public start ( ) : void
return void

updateState() public method

update(evaluate) the state of all gesture.
public updateState ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

paused public static property

true while the game is paused.
public static bool paused
return bool

running public static property

true while the game is running.
public static bool running
return bool