C# Class Spine.Unity.AtlasAsset

Loads and stores a Spine atlas and list of materials.
Inheritance: UnityEngine.ScriptableObject
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
atlasFile UnityEngine.TextAsset
materials UnityEngine.Material[]

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
atlas Spine.Atlas

Public Methods

Method Description
Clear ( ) : void
CreateRuntimeInstance ( TextAsset atlasText, Material materials, bool initialize ) : AtlasAsset

Creates a runtime AtlasAsset

CreateRuntimeInstance ( TextAsset atlasText, Texture2D textures, Shader shader, bool initialize ) : AtlasAsset

Creates a runtime AtlasAsset. Only providing the textures is slower because it has to search for atlas page matches. Spine.Unity.AtlasAsset.CreateRuntimeInstance(TextAsset, Material[], bool)

GenerateMesh ( string name, Mesh mesh, Material &material, float scale = 0.01f ) : Mesh
GetAtlas ( ) : Atlas
Reset ( ) : void

Method Details

Clear() public method

public Clear ( ) : void
return void

CreateRuntimeInstance() public static method

Creates a runtime AtlasAsset
public static CreateRuntimeInstance ( TextAsset atlasText, Material materials, bool initialize ) : AtlasAsset
atlasText UnityEngine.TextAsset
materials UnityEngine.Material
initialize bool
return AtlasAsset

CreateRuntimeInstance() public static method

Creates a runtime AtlasAsset. Only providing the textures is slower because it has to search for atlas page matches. Spine.Unity.AtlasAsset.CreateRuntimeInstance(TextAsset, Material[], bool)
public static CreateRuntimeInstance ( TextAsset atlasText, Texture2D textures, Shader shader, bool initialize ) : AtlasAsset
atlasText UnityEngine.TextAsset
textures UnityEngine.Texture2D
shader UnityEngine.Shader
initialize bool
return AtlasAsset

GenerateMesh() public method

public GenerateMesh ( string name, Mesh mesh, Material &material, float scale = 0.01f ) : Mesh
name string
mesh UnityEngine.Mesh
material UnityEngine.Material
scale float
return UnityEngine.Mesh

GetAtlas() public method

public GetAtlas ( ) : Atlas
return Spine.Atlas

Reset() public method

public Reset ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

atlas protected property

protected Atlas,Spine atlas
return Spine.Atlas

atlasFile public property

public TextAsset,UnityEngine atlasFile
return UnityEngine.TextAsset

materials public property

public Material[],UnityEngine materials
return UnityEngine.Material[]