C# Class P2PStateServer.PeerMessage

Represents a PeerMessage message
The PeerMessage class represents a peer-to-peer message. PeerMessages can be sent at anytime and are not required to be responded to. Peer messages should be derived from the PeerMessage class.
Inheritance: ServiceMessage
Show file Open project: tenor/p2pStateServer

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
broadcastID System.Guid
id Guid?
maxForwards uint?

Public Methods

Method Description
Forward ( ) : void

When overriden in a derived class, forwards this peerMessage message

PeerMessage ( HTTPPartialData Data, StateServer Service ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the PeerMessage class

Method Details

Forward() public abstract method

When overriden in a derived class, forwards this peerMessage message
public abstract Forward ( ) : void
return void

PeerMessage() public method

Initializes a new instance of the PeerMessage class
public PeerMessage ( HTTPPartialData Data, StateServer Service ) : System
Data HTTPPartialData The HTTPPartialData class to load this instance from
Service StateServer State server instance
return System

Property Details

broadcastID protected property

Identifies a peer message broadcast.
A peer message can be re-broadcast several times and so have different broadcast IDs.
protected Guid,System broadcastID
return System.Guid

id protected property

The peer message's unique identifier on the network
protected Guid? id
return Guid?

maxForwards protected property

The maximum number of times the message is to be forwarded
This field is decremented by one before been forwarded by a peer
protected uint? maxForwards
return uint?