C# Class Jinx.Essentials

A Class Containing Methods that are needed for the Main Program.
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
GrabTime double
JungleMobsList string[]
JungleMobsListTwistedTreeline string[]

Public Methods

Method Description
DrawLineRectangle ( Vector2 start, Vector2 end, int radius, int width, System.Drawing.Color color ) : void

Taken from AdEvade which was taken from OKTW

FishBones ( ) : bool

Thank you ScienceARK for this method

FishBonesRange ( ) : float

Gets the Range of FishBones

HasUndyingBuff ( Obj_AI_Base target ) : bool

Check if Player has Undying Buff

ShouldUseE ( string spellName ) : bool

Taken from OKTW. Spells that useE can be used on.

Method Details

DrawLineRectangle() public static method

Taken from AdEvade which was taken from OKTW
public static DrawLineRectangle ( Vector2 start, Vector2 end, int radius, int width, System.Drawing.Color color ) : void
start Vector2 Start Position of Line
end Vector2 End Position of Line
radius int Radius of Line
width int Width of Line
color System.Drawing.Color Color of Line
return void

FishBones() public static method

Thank you ScienceARK for this method
public static FishBones ( ) : bool
return bool

FishBonesRange() public static method

Gets the Range of FishBones
public static FishBonesRange ( ) : float
return float

HasUndyingBuff() public static method

Check if Player has Undying Buff
public static HasUndyingBuff ( Obj_AI_Base target ) : bool
target Obj_AI_Base
return bool

ShouldUseE() public static method

Taken from OKTW. Spells that useE can be used on.
public static ShouldUseE ( string spellName ) : bool
spellName string The name of the Spell
return bool

Property Details

GrabTime public static property

Contains the Last Blitzcrank hook time.
public static double GrabTime
return double

JungleMobsList public static property

Jungle Mob List
public static string[] JungleMobsList
return string[]

JungleMobsListTwistedTreeline public static property

Jungle Mob List for Twisted Treeline
public static string[] JungleMobsListTwistedTreeline
return string[]