C# Class SceneTransitionHandler, MagesOfBlight

Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
currentSceneName string
levelGraph Animator
onlyInBuild bool
singleton SceneTransitionHandler,

Public Methods

Method Description
LoadNextLevel ( ) : void

Tell the Scene State Machine to transition to the next level

ReloadLevel ( ) : void

Use Application.Load to load the current scene

Private Methods

Method Description
Awake ( ) : void
CheckInputs ( ) : void
CheckReloadLevel ( ) : void
CheckSkipScene ( ) : void
Start ( ) : void
Update ( ) : void

Method Details

LoadNextLevel() public method

Tell the Scene State Machine to transition to the next level
public LoadNextLevel ( ) : void
return void

ReloadLevel() public method

Use Application.Load to load the current scene
public ReloadLevel ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

currentSceneName public property

public string currentSceneName
return string

levelGraph public property

public Animator levelGraph
return Animator

onlyInBuild public property

public bool onlyInBuild
return bool

singleton public static property

public static SceneTransitionHandler, singleton
return SceneTransitionHandler,