C# (CSharp) amp.topology.client Namespace


Name Description
DefaultApplicationExchangeProvider Provides a route on the "amq.direct" exchange (which may only be a RabbitMQ construct). The implementation will not provide a queue name, assuming the transport will create a unique queue instead (we don't want round-robin on a single queue). The exchange provide is "direct" by default, meaning delivery of messages will require an exact match (that is, routing key = topic). You will not be able to consume multiple event types on the same queue unless you change the default AMP implementation.
GlobalTopologyService An implementation of ITopologyService that utilizes a central configuration and management system for topology, called the "Global Topology Service". This implementation relies on an external source to provide routing info. If the routing info is not found, it will default to a "fallback" configuration.
HttpRoutingInfoRetreiver Provides routing info from an HTTP-based endpoint