C# (CSharp) Xunit.Runner.VisualStudio.VS2010 Namespace


Name Description
Guard Provides a wrapper for assertions and exception throwning for simplicity
MSVST2A_Access This class provides access to all the needed functionality of hidden Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.Agent namespace.
MSVST2A_Tunnels This class provides all the ugly internals of accessing the hidden classes and methods
MSVST3M_Access This class provides access to all the needed functionality of hidden Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.TestManagement namespace.
MSVST3M_Tunnels This class provides all the ugly internals of accessing the hidden classes and methods
MSVST4U_Access This class provides access to all the needed functionality of hidden Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.TestTypes.Unit namespace.
MSVST4U_Tunnels This class provides all the ugly internals of accessing the hidden classes and methods
XUnitTestAdapter XUnit Test ITestAdapter implementation. The important methods to implement for your adapter are: - ITestAdapter.Initialize: it's useful to store the run id for the test run that this adapter is being instantiated for so that it can be used later for result reporting. - IBaseAdapter.Run: the method that actually runs the test and reports results.
XUnitTestRunner Class responsible for running a test
XUnitTestTip XUnit Test ITip implementation. The important methods to implement for your TIP are: - TestType property get: return the test type defined in your test element. - Load: Load is called by TMI when a project containing your test types is loaded. Load create instances of your ITestElement and returns them to TMI. A TIP can only throw certain exceptions up to TMI. Here's the current list of valid exceptions out of Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.Exceptions: StorageNotAccessibleException InvalidDataInStorageException ErrorReadingStorageException DuplicateIdException IdNotFoundException InvalidTestObjectException SaveNotSupportedException CreateNewTestNotSupportedException WrongResultTypeException CorruptedResultException EqtDataException