Vidka.Components.Properties |
Vidka.Components.VideoShitboxDrawOps |
Name | Description |
AudioPlayerNAudio | |
AudioPlayerNAudio.AudioClipToPlay | Code from Ilya Franker |
AudioPlayerNAudio.DeviceAndItsData | |
ClipPropertiesWindowAudio | |
ClipPropertiesWindowVideo | |
CommonAudioClipProperties | |
CommonVideoClipCustomAudio | |
CommonVideoClipProperties | |
DialogInput | |
DrawOp | |
DrawOpsCollection | |
ImageCacheManager | |
PPP | |
ShitboxAlignVideoAudio | |
SimpleTextSettings | |
Utils | |
VideoShitbox | |
VidkaFastPreviewPlayer | |
VidkaFastPreviewPlayerWrapper | Since VidkaFastPreviewPlayer.cs does not support playback, we need to wrap inside this wrapper class to swap playerFast and playerWmp depending on whether we are doing playback |
VidkaPreviewPlayer |