Name |
Description |
AWBuildVersion |
Address |
AddressType |
AdventureWorksEntities |
No Metadata Documentation available. |
App |
Provides application-specific behavior to supplement the default Application class. |
BillOfMaterial |
Contact |
ContactCreditCard |
ContactType |
CountryRegion |
CountryRegionCurrency |
CreditCard |
Culture |
Currency |
CurrencyRate |
Customer |
CustomerAddress |
DatabaseLog |
Department |
Document |
Employee |
EmployeeAddress |
EmployeeDepartmentHistory |
EmployeePayHistory |
ErrorLog |
GroupDetailPage |
A page that displays an overview of a single group, including a preview of the items within the group. |
GroupedItemsPage |
A page that displays a grouped collection of items. |
Illustration |
Individual |
ItemDetailPage |
A page that displays details for a single item within a group while allowing gestures to flip through other items belonging to the same group. |
JobCandidate |
Location |
MediaPathFileModelTest |
Product |
ProductCategory |
ProductCostHistory |
ProductDescription |
ProductDocument |
ProductInventory |
ProductListPriceHistory |
ProductModel |
ProductModelIllustration |
ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture |
ProductPhoto |
ProductProductPhoto |
ProductReview |
ProductSubcategory |
ProductVendor |
Program |
PurchaseOrderDetail |
PurchaseOrderHeader |
SalesOrderDetail |
SalesOrderHeader |
SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason |
SalesPerson |
SalesPersonQuotaHistory |
SalesReason |
SalesTaxRate |
SalesTerritory |
SalesTerritoryHistory |
ScrapReason |
Shift |
ShipMethod |
ShoppingCartItem |
SpecialOffer |
SpecialOfferProduct |
StateProvince |
Store |
StoreContact |
TransactionHistory |
TransactionHistoryArchive |
UnitMeasure |
Vendor |
VendorAddress |
VendorContact |
WorkOrder |
WorkOrderRouting |