Name |
Description |
AbortPeerDiscussionException |
AnimalSpecies |
AnimalWorldBoundary |
This class implements the IAnimalWorldBoundary which is used by a creature to get information about the surrounding area. It is the interface between the animal and the world. This class is passed from the game engine to the actual creature, but we don't want them to have access to all the members. So, we implement an interface that is defined in the OrganismBase assembly, and implement the class in the TerrariumEngine assembly. Since the TerrariumEngine assembly doesn't have the AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers attribute animals won't be able to call the class directly and will only be able to call the members of the interface. |
AttributeRequiredException |
EngineStateChangedEventArgs |
An EngineStateChangeEvent is raised when some interesting change in state occurs such as an animal being born or dying or being teleported into your world or out. Its main purpose is to provide some useful feedback to the UI This EventArgs describes that event. It contains the type of state change and a short description and a long description |
GameEngine |
This class encapsulates the majority of the Terrarium gaming engine that controls the creatures, updates of the world data, manipulation of events, and other common engine features. To see the basic game logic, look at the ProcessTurn() function. This is what controls the flow of the game. |
GridIndex |
GridIndex.SegmentWrapper |
The segment wrapper allows us to put the same exact segment in several different cells of the grid. We do this because an animal occupies many cells at once and needs to either occupy them all, or none of them. Thus, we wrap the segment in a segment wrapper and stick the wrapper into the cell to represent the fact that this segment is in that cell. We give the SegmentWrapper a backpointer to the arraylist of other SegmentWrappers that are in the cell as well |
GridIndex.SegmentWrapperComparer |
Sorts two segments by comparing when they entered a cell. The earlier entry time into the cell wins |
InvalidPeerException |
KilledOrganism |
MaliciousOrganismException |
MovementSegment |
NewOrganism |
Contains the information needed to intialize a new organism within the Terrarium. |
OrganismAlreadyExistsException |
OrganismAssemblyFailedValidationException |
OrganismBaseBinder |
Base class for all serialization binders. Contains methods for validating a number of common assemblies. The Binder is being added so that we can validate data being deserialized. We want to make sure someone doesn't insert bogus types into the stream or types that might be able to be loaded on the destination client and used for the purposes of a hack. |
OrganismBlacklistException |
PlantSpecies |
PopulationData |
PrivateAssemblyCache |
ShutdownFailureException |
Species |
StateCorruptedException |
StateTimedOutException |
TeleportZone |
Teleporter |
TickActions |
WorldState |
WorldVector |