C# (CSharp) SwfDotNet.IO.Utils Namespace


Name Description
BigEndianBitConverter Implementation of EndianBitConverter which converts to/from big-endian byte arrays.
BinaryStringRW A helper class for reading/writing zero-byte terminated strings
BitParser A helper class with static methods for bit-parsing swf data
BufferedBinaryReader BufferedBinaryReader. This class extends a binaryReader to provide the way to read bit per bit a binary stream. This class use a buffer to do it. ATTENTION: By default, this class works with the LittleEndian mode (for x86).
BufferedBinaryWriter BufferedBinaryWriter class. This class extends a binaryWriter to provide the way to read bit per bit a binary stream. This class use a buffer to do it. ATTENTION: By default, this writer works with LittleEndian mode (for x86).
EndianBitConverter Equivalent of System.BitConverter, but with either endianness.
ImageFactory ImageFactory provides methods to get the adapted tag object from an image.
LittleEndianBitConverter Implementation of EndianBitConverter which converts to/from little-endian byte arrays.
SimpleHash This class generates and compares hashes using MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512 hashing algorithms.