Name |
Description |
ActorItemInfo |
ActorMoveStart |
ActorMoveStop |
ActorNPCInfo |
ActorPlayerInfo |
A packet thats being sent to the client when he has stopped moving. Re-setting it's exact position and other variables. |
ActorSelection |
Sends health and skill point values of a selected actor to be displayed in a box. (Needed to end battle.) |
ActorSetEquip |
ActorTeleport |
ActorUpdateIcon |
AddItem |
AskCRC |
Server packet requesting a CRC value from the client. |
BattleSkill |
BattleSkill.SkillInfo |
BattleStats |
Packet indicating the client that he can start loading the given map. |
ChangeJobCosts |
ChangedJob |
CharStatus |
ClientKick |
DeleteExchangeAddition |
DeleteItem |
Dive |
Sends health and skill point values of a selected actor to be displayed in a box. (Needed to end battle.) |
ExchangeAddition |
GenericPacket |
GetMailZenyAnswer |
Identify |
InitScenario |
ItemActive |
ItemAdjust |
JobLevels |
LevelUp |
ListEquipment |
ListInventory |
ListWarehouse |
LivingSkill |
LivingSkill.SkillInfo |
MailCancelAnswer |
MailDeleteAnswer |
MailList |
MailOutbox |
MailSendAnswer |
MarketBuyItem |
MarketDeleteIem |
MarketMessage |
MarketMessageResult |
MarketOwnItemResult |
MarketSearchResult |
MarketStart |
MoveItem |
MoveReply |
NPCChat |
NPCDropListResult |
NPCMenu |
NPCNote |
NPCSpeech |
NpcShopList |
OffensiveSkill |
OffensiveSkillFailed |
OtherActorTeleport |
P0315 |
PartyDismissed |
PartyMemberInfo |
PartyMemberLoot |
PartyMemberQuit |
PartyMemberSPInfo |
PartyNewMember |
QuestCompleted |
QuestConfirm |
QuestInfo |
QuestNote |
QuestRewardChoice |
RefreshFriendlist |
RegisterBlacklistChar |
RegisterFriendlistChar |
RemoveNavPoint |
RemoveSpecialSkill |
ReturnMapList |
ScenarioEvent |
ScenarioEventEnd |
SendAck |
Acknowledgement packet sent by the server to the client as a response to.... |
SendAddShortcut |
SendBookList |
SendChat |
SendHateInfo |
SendIdent |
Send the identity of the mapserver to the client. |
SendMailData |
SendNavPoint |
SendPartyInfo |
SendPartyInvite |
SendQuestList |
SendSpecialSkills |
SendSupplyList |
SendSupplyList.SupplyItem |
SendSupplyMenu |
SendSupplyResult |
SendSystemMessage |
SendTime |
Set the background music and the game time. |
SendWhisper |
SetInventorySlotCount |
SetSpecialSkill |
SetSpecialityConfirm |
ShowMap |
ShowMapInfo |
Sends health and skill point values of a selected actor to be displayed in a box. (Needed to end battle.) |
SkillAdd |
SkillCast |
SkillCastCancel |
SkillDelete |
SkillEXP |
SkillEffect |
SkillLearned |
SkillToggle |
SpecialSkill |
SpecialSkill.SkillInfo |
TakeDamage |
Sends health and skill point values of a selected actor to be displayed in a box. (Needed to end battle.) |
TradeCancel |
TradeConfirm |
TradeItem |
TradeItemOther |
TradeZenyOther |
UnregisterBlacklistChar |
UpdateActorYaw |
UpdateItem |
UpdateQuest |
UpdateQuestSubStep |
UseDyeingItem |
WeaponAdjust |
WeaponList |
WeaponMove |
WeaponStone |
WeaponSwitch |
WeaponTypeChange |
WideMoveStart |