C# (CSharp) MediaOwl.Core Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
BoolInvertConverter An IValueConverter which inverts bool.
BoolVisibilityInvertConverter An IValueConverter which inverts bool and returns the corresponding System.Windows.Visibility.
BusyResult An IResult that calls the MarkAsBusy- or MarkAsNotBusy-Method of an IBusyService. When executed, the class uses an IBusyService. This class was taken from the Caliburn Framework.
ErrorMessage This class is used to show how the EventAggregator works. An ErrorMessage is published in all IResult-Instances in MediaOwl.Services and subscribed by MediaOwl.ViewModels.ShellViewModel.
FiveStarRatingConverter An IValueConverter which converts a double-Rating from 0 to 5 to a double-Rating from 0 to 1.
ImageSourceConverter An IValueConverter which converts an Url-String to an BitmapImage.
NamingConventions This class is used to identify naming conventions, that are not part of the CM-Framework.
Run A Helper-Class to execute Coroutines from code and not always have to create an IEnumerator<IResult>
StopWatch The StopWatch uses a DispatcherTimer to fire an EventHandler when a TimeSpan passed.