C# (CSharp) Hpdi.VssPhysicalLib Namespace


Name Description
BadHeaderException Exception thrown when an invalid record header is read.
BufferReader Reads VSS data types from a byte buffer.
CheckoutRecord VSS record representing a file checkout.
CommentRecord VSS record representing a comment message.
DeltaOperation Represents a single delta operation for a file revision.
DeltaRecord VSS record representing a reverse-delta for a file revision.
DeltaSimulator Simulates stream-like traversal over a set of revision delta operations.
DeltaStream Provides a seekable input stream over a file revision based on the latest revision content and a set of reverse-delta operations.
DeltaUtil Utility methods for merging and applying reverse-delta operations.
EndOfBufferException Exception thrown when the end of the record buffer is reached unexpectedly.
FileHeaderRecord VSS header record for a file.
ItemFile Represents a file containing VSS project/file records.
ItemHeaderRecord Base class for item VSS header records.
NameFile Represents a file containing VSS name records.
NameHeaderRecord VSS header record for the name file.
NameRecord VSS record containing the logical names of an object in particular contexts.
ProjectEntryFile Represents a file containing VSS project entry records.
ProjectEntryRecord VSS record for representing an item stored in particular project.
ProjectHeaderRecord VSS header record for a project.
ProjectRecord VSS record representing a project file.
RecordCrcException Exception thrown when the CRC stored in a record does not match the expected value.
RecordHeader Represents the header of a VSS record.
RecordNotFoundException Exception thrown when a particular record cannot be found.
RevisionRecord VSS record representing a project/file revision.
UnrecognizedRecordException Exception thrown when an unrecognized record type is encountered.
VssName Structure used to store a VSS project or file name.
VssRecord Base class for VSS records.