Name |
Description |
Calculation |
The unit of logic in a schema |
CalculationToString |
CompileGraspSchema |
CompositeCalculator |
A series of calculators which applies to GraspRuntimes |
CreateCalculation |
CreateGraspSchema |
CreateVariableBinding |
FunctionCalculator |
A function-based calculation which applies to GraspRuntimes |
GraspRuntime |
A context in which a set of variables are bound to values |
GraspSchema |
A context in which a set of variables and a set of calculations are in effect |
ICalculatorContract |
IRuntimeSnapshotContract |
Resources |
UnboundVariableException |
Indicates an attempt to retrieve the value of an unbound variable |
Variable |
The unit of data in a schema |
VariableBinding |
A binding between a variable and its value in a particular context |
VariableExpression |
An expression tree node which represents a variable |