Name |
Description |
geAngle180 |
An double value that must be between -180 and 180 |
geAngle360 |
A double value that must be between -360 and 360 |
geAngle90 |
A double that must be between -90 and 90 |
geAnglePos90 |
A double that must be between 0 an 90 |
geBaloonStyle |
Represents the BaloonStyle Google Earth object |
geBoundaryIs |
An abstract class that contains a LinearRing, this is not a Google Earth defined Abstract, but it seemed natural for the InnerBoundaryIs and OuterBoundaryIs objects to share this. |
geColor |
Used to convert .Net color objects to strings that Google Earth understands (AABBGGRR) |
geColorStyle |
This is an abstract element and cannot be used directly in a KML file. It provides elements for specifying the color and color mode of extended style types. |
geContainer |
Represents the Container abstract and inherits the Feature abstract |
geCoordinates |
Represents the Coordinates property which contains minimally a Lat/Lon, and optionally an Altitude. |
geDateTime |
Converts a .Net DateTime object to a strings that KML can recognize |
geDocument |
Represents the Document object |
geFeature |
Represents the Feature abstract, one of the most important elements in a KML. This is what will be displayed. |
geFolder |
Represents a Folder object. A container for many types of Google Earth Elements |
geGroundOverlay |
Represents the GroundOverlay object for laying icons/images over the Google Earth terrain |
geGroundOverlay.geLatLonBox |
A Lat/Lon "Box" that is used in a GroundOverlay to describe how to stretch the image over the terrain. |
geIcon |
Represents the Icon object |
geIconStyle |
geInnerBoundaryIs |
geKML |
This class will be the entry point for creating and organizing the KML output |
geLabelStyle |
Represents the LabelStyle object |
geLineString |
geLineStyle |
Represents the LineStyle Object |
geLinearRing |
Represents the LinearRing object |
geLink |
Represents the Link object |
geListStyle |
Represents the ListStyle object, or how icons should show up in the places window |
geListStyle.geItemIcon |
Represents an ItemIcon, the icon that you see in the Places window |
geLocation |
Represents the Location object for use in Models |
geLookAt |
Defines the camera position while looking at a objects |
geModel |
A 3d object from a Collada (.dae) file |
geMultiGeometry |
A container for one or more geometry objects |
geNetworkLink |
References a local or remote KML/KMZ file |
geNetworkLinkControl |
Controls the behavior of files fetched by a Network Link |
geObjArrayField |
A schema field for an array of pointers to schema objects. |
geObjField |
A schema field for a pointer to a schema object. |
geObject |
The base abstract class for all ge objects |
geOrientation |
Describes rotation of a 3D model's coordinate system to position the object in Google Earth. |
geOuterBoundaryIs |
Contains a linear ring |
geOverlay |
An abstract class for images that are drawn on the ground or on the screen |
gePlacemark |
A Placemark is a Feature with associated Geometry. In Google Earth, a Placemark appears as a list item in the Places panel. A Placemark with a Point has an icon associated with it that marks a point on the earth in the 3D viewer. (In the Google Earth 3D viewer, a Point Placemark is the only object you can click or roll over. Other Geometry objects do not have an icon in the 3D viewer. To give the user something to click, you would need to add a Point to the Polygon.) |
gePoint |
A geographic location defined by longitude, latitude, and (optional) altitude. When a Point is contained by a Placemark, the point itself determines the position of the Placemark's name and icon. When a Point is extruded, it is connected to the ground with a line. This "tether" uses the current LineStyle. |
gePolyStyle |
Specifies the drawing style for all polygons, including polygon extrusions (which look like the walls of buildings) and line extrusions (which look like solid fences). |
gePolygon |
A Polygon is defined by an outer boundary and 0 or more inner boundaries. The boundaries, in turn, are defined by LinearRings. When a Polygon is extruded, its boundaries are connected to the ground to form additional polygons, which gives the appearance of a building. When a Polygon is extruded, each point is extruded individually. Extruded Polygons use for their color, color mode, and fill. |
geRegion |
A region contains a bounding box () that describes an area of interest defined by geographic coordinates and altitudes. In addition, a Region contains an LOD (level of detail) extent () that defines a validity range of the associated Region in terms of projected screen size. A Region is said to be "active" when the bounding box is within the user's view and the LOD requirements are met. Objects associated with a Region are drawn only when the Region is active. When the is onRegion, the Link or Icon is loaded only when the Region is active. |
geRegion.geLatLonAltBox |
A bounding box that describes an area of interest defined by geographic coordinates and altitudes |
geRegion.geLod |
geScale |
Scales a model along the x, y, and z axes in the model's coordinate space |
geSchema |
Specifies a custom KML schema that is typically used to extend and add metadata to KML objects. The "name" attribute is required. Currently, the only value for parent is "Placemark." |
geSchemaField |
geScreenOverlay |
This element draws an image overlay fixed to the screen. Sample uses for ScreenOverlays are compasses, logos, and heads-up displays. ScreenOverlay sizing is determined by the element. Positioning of the overlay is handled by mapping a point in the image specified by to a point on the screen specified by . Then the image is rotated by degrees about a point relative to the screen specified by . |
geSimpleArrayField |
geSimpleField |
geStyle |
A Style defines an addressable style group that can be referenced by StyleMaps and Features. Styles affect how Geometry is presented in the 3D viewer and how Features appear in the Places panel of the List view. Shared styles are collected in a and must have an id defined for them so that they can be referenced by the individual Features that use them. |
geStyleMap |
geStyleMap.gePair |
geTimeSpan |
Represents an extent in time bounded by begin and end dateTimes. If or is missing, then that end of the period is unbounded |
geTimeStamp |
Represents a single moment in time. This is a simple element and contains no children. Its value is a dateTime, specified in XML time (see XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition). The precision of the TimeStamp is dictated by the dateTime value in the element. |
geUpdate |
geVec2 |