C# (CSharp) Fusion.Core.Design Namespace


Name Description
Color4Converter Defines a type converter for Color4.
ColorConverter Defines a type converter for Color.
Half2Converter Provides a type converter to convert Half2 objects to and from various other representations.
Half3Converter Provides a type converter to convert Half3 objects to and from various other representations.
Half4Converter Provides a type converter to convert Half4 objects to and from various other representations.
HalfConverter Provides a type converter to convert Half objects to and from various other representations.
MatrixConverter Defines a type converter for Matrix.
QuaternionConverter Defines a type converter for Quaternion.
Vector2Converter Defines a type converter for Vector2.
Vector3Converter Defines a type converter for Vector3.
Vector4Converter Defines a type converter for Vector4.