Name | Description |
DbgEngOutputCallbacksSwitcher | Helper class for replacing debugger output callbacks - used when capturing command output. Example usage: using (var switcher = new OutputCallbacksSwitcher(outputCallbacks) { } |
DbgEngSymbolProvider | Symbol provider that is being implemented over DbgEng.dll. |
DebugCallbacks | Debug callbacks called during WaitForEvent callback. This class in future can be extended to support callbacks provided on certain actions (e.g. breakpoint hit, thread create, module load etc.) |
DebuggeeFlowController | Controler for Debugee actions during live debugging. |
DebuggerTextWriter | Helper class for redirecting console out/error to debuggers output |
ProcessSwitcher | Used for scoped process switching. using (var switcher = new ProcessSwitcher(process)) { // Invoke DbgEng.dll interface function } |
StackFrameSwitcher | Used for scoped stack frame switching. using (var switcher = new StackFrameSwitcher(stackFrame)) { // Invoke DbgEng.dll interface function } |
StateCache | Cache for current process, thread and stack frame. Also introduces lazy state sync. |
ThreadSwitcher | Used for scoped thread switching. using (var switcher = new ThreadSwitcher(thread)) { // Invoke DbgEng.dll interface function } |