C# (CSharp) CsDebugScript.CodeGen.TypeTrees Namespace


Name Description
ArrayTypeTree Type tree that represents pointer type.
BasicTypeTree Type tree that represents basic type.
EnumTreeType Type tree that represents enumeration user type.
FunctionTypeTree Type tree that represents function.
MultiClassInheritanceTypeTree Type tree that represents multiple base classes and that UserType should be used.
PointerTypeTree Type tree that represents pointer type.
SingleClassInheritanceWithInterfacesTypeTree Type tree that represents single base class and notes that user type also implements some interfaces (types without fields and have just vtable).
StaticClassTypeTree Type tree that represents exported static class (class that exports global variables).
TemplateArgumentTreeType Tree type that represents template type argument. Used when we know that the type is representing Generic Specialization.
TemplateTypeTree Type tree that represents template user type.
TransformationTypeTree Type tree that represents transformation to be applied.
TypeTree Base class for converting symbol name into typed structured tree
UserTypeTree Type tree that represents UserType.
VariableTypeTree Type tree that represents unknown user type (and will be represented as Variable or UserType if it is base class)