C# (CSharp) Amazon.DynamoDBv2 Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
AmazonDynamoDBClient Implementation for accessing AmazonDynamoDBv2. Amazon DynamoDB Overview

This is the Amazon DynamoDB API Reference. This guide provides descriptions and samples of the Amazon DynamoDB API.

AmazonDynamoDBConfig Configuration for accessing Amazon DynamoDB service
AmazonDynamoDBStreamsClient Implementation for accessing DynamoDBStreams Amazon DynamoDB

Amazon DynamoDB Streams provides API actions for accessing streams and processing stream records. To learn more about application development with Streams, see Capturing Table Activity with DynamoDB Streams in the Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide.

The following are short descriptions of each low-level DynamoDB Streams action:

  • DescribeStream - Returns detailed information about a particular stream.

  • GetRecords - Retrieves the stream records from within a shard.

  • GetShardIterator - Returns information on how to retrieve the streams record from a shard with a given shard ID.

  • ListStreams - Returns a list of all the streams associated with the current AWS account and endpoint.

AmazonDynamoDBStreamsConfig Configuration for accessing Amazon DynamoDBStreams service
AttributeAction Attribute Action
ComparisonOperator Comparison Operator
IndexStatus Index Status
KeyType Key Type
ProjectionType Projection Type
ReturnConsumedCapacity Return Consumed Capacity
ReturnItemCollectionMetrics Return Item Collection Metrics
ReturnValue Return Value
ScalarAttributeType Scalar Attribute Type
Select Select
TableStatus Table Status