C# (CSharp) AForge.Genetic Namespace


Name Description
BinaryChromosome Binary chromosome, which supports length from 2 till 64.
ChromosomeBase Chromosomes' base class.
DoubleArrayChromosome Double array chromosome.
EliteSelection Elite selection method.
ExtendedGeneFunction Genetic programming gene, which represents arithmetic functions, common mathematical functions and arguments.
GEPChromosome The chromosome represents a Gene Expression, which is used for different tasks of Genetic Expression Programming (GEP).
GPCustomTree Reimplementation of GPCustomTree from Aforge for simple series monophonic note sequences
GPCustomTreeNode Represents tree node of genetic programming tree.
GPTreeNode Represents tree node of genetic programming tree.
OptimizationFunction2D Base class for two dimenstional function optimization.
PermutationChromosome Permutation chromosome.
Population Population of chromosomes.
SimpleGeneFunction Genetic programming gene, which represents simple arithmetic functions and arguments.
SymbolicRegressionFitness Fitness function for symbolic regression (function approximation) problem
TimeSeriesPredictionFitness Fitness function for times series prediction problem