C# Class libsbml.ASTBasePlugin

Inheritance: IDisposable
显示文件 Open project: sys-bio/libroadrunner-deps Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
swigCMemOwn bool

Public Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( ) : void
addChild ( ASTBase child ) : int
addExpectedAttributes ( SWIGTYPE_p_ExpectedAttributes attributes, XMLInputStream stream, int type ) : void
clone ( ) : ASTBasePlugin
connectToParent ( ASTBase astbase ) : void
createMath ( int type ) : void
enablePackageInternal ( string pkgURI, string pkgPrefix, bool flag ) : void
getChild ( long n ) : ASTBase
getElementNamespace ( ) : string
getLevel ( ) : long
getMath ( ) : ASTBase
getNameFromType ( int type ) : string
getNumChildren ( ) : long
getPackageName ( ) : string
getPackageVersion ( ) : long
getParentASTObject ( ) : ASTBase
getPrefix ( ) : string
getSBMLNamespaces ( ) : SBMLNamespaces
getTypeFromName ( string name ) : int
getURI ( ) : string
getVersion ( ) : long
hasCorrectNumberArguments ( int type ) : bool
insertChild ( long n, ASTBase newChild ) : int
isCSymbolFunction ( int type ) : bool
isCSymbolNumber ( int type ) : bool
isConstantNumber ( int type ) : bool
isFunction ( int type ) : bool
isFunctionNode ( int type ) : bool
isLogical ( int type ) : bool
isName ( int type ) : bool
isNumber ( int type ) : bool
isNumberNode ( int type ) : bool
isOperator ( int type ) : bool
isRelational ( int type ) : bool
isSetMath ( ) : bool
isTopLevelMathMLFunctionNodeTag ( string name ) : bool
isTopLevelMathMLNumberNodeTag ( string name ) : bool
isWellFormedNode ( int type ) : bool
prependChild ( ASTBase newChild ) : int
read ( XMLInputStream stream, string reqd_prefix, XMLToken currentElement ) : bool
readAttributes ( XMLAttributes attributes, SWIGTYPE_p_ExpectedAttributes expectedAttributes, XMLInputStream stream, XMLToken element, int type ) : bool
removeChild ( long n ) : int
renameSIdRefs ( string oldid, string newid ) : void
renameUnitSIdRefs ( string oldid, string newid ) : void
replaceChild ( long n, ASTBase newChild, bool delreplaced ) : int
replaceIDWithFunction ( string id, ASTNode function ) : void
representsBinaryFunction ( int type ) : bool
representsNaryFunction ( int type ) : bool
representsQualifier ( int type ) : bool
representsUnaryFunction ( int type ) : bool
setElementNamespace ( string uri ) : int
setPrefix ( string prefix ) : int
setSBMLExtension ( SBMLExtension ext ) : int
stripPackage ( string pkgPrefix, bool flag ) : bool
swapChildren ( SWIGTYPE_p_ASTFunction that ) : int
writeAttributes ( XMLOutputStream stream, int type ) : void
writeXMLNS ( XMLOutputStream stream ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
ASTBasePlugin ( IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn ) : System
getCPtr ( ASTBasePlugin obj ) : HandleRef
getCPtrAndDisown ( ASTBasePlugin obj ) : HandleRef

Method Details

Dispose() public method

public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

addChild() public method

public addChild ( ASTBase child ) : int
child ASTBase
return int

addExpectedAttributes() public method

public addExpectedAttributes ( SWIGTYPE_p_ExpectedAttributes attributes, XMLInputStream stream, int type ) : void
attributes SWIGTYPE_p_ExpectedAttributes
stream XMLInputStream
type int
return void

clone() public method

public clone ( ) : ASTBasePlugin
return ASTBasePlugin

connectToParent() public method

public connectToParent ( ASTBase astbase ) : void
astbase ASTBase
return void

createMath() public method

public createMath ( int type ) : void
type int
return void

enablePackageInternal() public method

public enablePackageInternal ( string pkgURI, string pkgPrefix, bool flag ) : void
pkgURI string
pkgPrefix string
flag bool
return void

getChild() public method

public getChild ( long n ) : ASTBase
n long
return ASTBase

getElementNamespace() public method

public getElementNamespace ( ) : string
return string

getLevel() public method

public getLevel ( ) : long
return long

getMath() public method

public getMath ( ) : ASTBase
return ASTBase

getNameFromType() public method

public getNameFromType ( int type ) : string
type int
return string

getNumChildren() public method

public getNumChildren ( ) : long
return long

getPackageName() public method

public getPackageName ( ) : string
return string

getPackageVersion() public method

public getPackageVersion ( ) : long
return long

getParentASTObject() public method

public getParentASTObject ( ) : ASTBase
return ASTBase

getPrefix() public method

public getPrefix ( ) : string
return string

getSBMLNamespaces() public method

public getSBMLNamespaces ( ) : SBMLNamespaces
return SBMLNamespaces

getTypeFromName() public method

public getTypeFromName ( string name ) : int
name string
return int

getURI() public method

public getURI ( ) : string
return string

getVersion() public method

public getVersion ( ) : long
return long

hasCorrectNumberArguments() public method

public hasCorrectNumberArguments ( int type ) : bool
type int
return bool

insertChild() public method

public insertChild ( long n, ASTBase newChild ) : int
n long
newChild ASTBase
return int

isCSymbolFunction() public method

public isCSymbolFunction ( int type ) : bool
type int
return bool

isCSymbolNumber() public method

public isCSymbolNumber ( int type ) : bool
type int
return bool

isConstantNumber() public method

public isConstantNumber ( int type ) : bool
type int
return bool

isFunction() public method

public isFunction ( int type ) : bool
type int
return bool

isFunctionNode() public method

public isFunctionNode ( int type ) : bool
type int
return bool

isLogical() public method

public isLogical ( int type ) : bool
type int
return bool

isName() public method

public isName ( int type ) : bool
type int
return bool

isNumber() public method

public isNumber ( int type ) : bool
type int
return bool

isNumberNode() public method

public isNumberNode ( int type ) : bool
type int
return bool

isOperator() public method

public isOperator ( int type ) : bool
type int
return bool

isRelational() public method

public isRelational ( int type ) : bool
type int
return bool

isSetMath() public method

public isSetMath ( ) : bool
return bool

isTopLevelMathMLFunctionNodeTag() public method

public isTopLevelMathMLFunctionNodeTag ( string name ) : bool
name string
return bool

isTopLevelMathMLNumberNodeTag() public method

public isTopLevelMathMLNumberNodeTag ( string name ) : bool
name string
return bool

isWellFormedNode() public method

public isWellFormedNode ( int type ) : bool
type int
return bool

prependChild() public method

public prependChild ( ASTBase newChild ) : int
newChild ASTBase
return int

read() public method

public read ( XMLInputStream stream, string reqd_prefix, XMLToken currentElement ) : bool
stream XMLInputStream
reqd_prefix string
currentElement XMLToken
return bool

readAttributes() public method

public readAttributes ( XMLAttributes attributes, SWIGTYPE_p_ExpectedAttributes expectedAttributes, XMLInputStream stream, XMLToken element, int type ) : bool
attributes XMLAttributes
expectedAttributes SWIGTYPE_p_ExpectedAttributes
stream XMLInputStream
element XMLToken
type int
return bool

removeChild() public method

public removeChild ( long n ) : int
n long
return int

renameSIdRefs() public method

public renameSIdRefs ( string oldid, string newid ) : void
oldid string
newid string
return void

renameUnitSIdRefs() public method

public renameUnitSIdRefs ( string oldid, string newid ) : void
oldid string
newid string
return void

replaceChild() public method

public replaceChild ( long n, ASTBase newChild, bool delreplaced ) : int
n long
newChild ASTBase
delreplaced bool
return int

replaceIDWithFunction() public method

public replaceIDWithFunction ( string id, ASTNode function ) : void
id string
function ASTNode
return void

representsBinaryFunction() public method

public representsBinaryFunction ( int type ) : bool
type int
return bool

representsNaryFunction() public method

public representsNaryFunction ( int type ) : bool
type int
return bool

representsQualifier() public method

public representsQualifier ( int type ) : bool
type int
return bool

representsUnaryFunction() public method

public representsUnaryFunction ( int type ) : bool
type int
return bool

setElementNamespace() public method

public setElementNamespace ( string uri ) : int
uri string
return int

setPrefix() public method

public setPrefix ( string prefix ) : int
prefix string
return int

setSBMLExtension() public method

public setSBMLExtension ( SBMLExtension ext ) : int
ext SBMLExtension
return int

stripPackage() public method

public stripPackage ( string pkgPrefix, bool flag ) : bool
pkgPrefix string
flag bool
return bool

swapChildren() public method

public swapChildren ( SWIGTYPE_p_ASTFunction that ) : int
that SWIGTYPE_p_ASTFunction
return int

writeAttributes() public method

public writeAttributes ( XMLOutputStream stream, int type ) : void
stream XMLOutputStream
type int
return void

writeXMLNS() public method

public writeXMLNS ( XMLOutputStream stream ) : void
stream XMLOutputStream
return void

Property Details

swigCMemOwn protected_oe property

protected bool swigCMemOwn
return bool