C# Class fNbt.NbtByte

A tag containing a single byte.
Inheritance: NbtTag
显示文件 Open project: fragmer/fNbt Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Clone ( ) : object
NbtByte ( ) : System

Creates an unnamed NbtByte tag with the default value of 0.

NbtByte ( [ tagName ) : System

Creates an NbtByte tag with the given name and the default value of 0.

NbtByte ( [ tagName, byte value ) : System

Creates an NbtByte tag with the given name and value.

NbtByte ( byte value ) : System

Creates an unnamed NbtByte tag with the given value.

Private Methods

Method Description
PrettyPrint ( StringBuilder sb, string indentString, int indentLevel ) : void
ReadTag ( NbtBinaryReader readStream ) : bool
SkipTag ( NbtBinaryReader readStream ) : void
WriteData ( NbtBinaryWriter writeStream ) : void
WriteTag ( NbtBinaryWriter writeStream ) : void

Method Details

Clone() public method

public Clone ( ) : object
return object

NbtByte() public method

Creates an unnamed NbtByte tag with the default value of 0.
public NbtByte ( ) : System
return System

NbtByte() public method

Creates an NbtByte tag with the given name and the default value of 0.
public NbtByte ( [ tagName ) : System
tagName [ Name to assign to this tag. May be null.
return System

NbtByte() public method

Creates an NbtByte tag with the given name and value.
public NbtByte ( [ tagName, byte value ) : System
tagName [ Name to assign to this tag. May be null.
value byte Value to assign to this tag.
return System

NbtByte() public method

Creates an unnamed NbtByte tag with the given value.
public NbtByte ( byte value ) : System
value byte Value to assign to this tag.
return System