C# Class csShared.Geo.Esri.WebTileLayer

Inheritance: TiledMapServiceLayer, IAttribution, IMenuLayer, ITileCache
显示文件 Open project: TNOCS/csTouch

Public Methods

Method Description
GetMenuItems ( ) : List
GetTileUrl ( int level, int row, int col ) : string

Returns a url to the specified tile

Initialize ( ) : void
WebTileLayer ( ) : System.Collections.Concurrent

Initializes a new instance of the OpenStreetMapLayer class.

Protected Methods

Method Description
GetTileSource ( int level, int row, int col, Action onComplete ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
BindImage ( byte img, Action onComplete ) : void
CloseCache ( ) : void
CreateAttributionTemplate ( ) : void
DictionaryKey ( int level, int row, int col, bool internalCall ) : string
GetTileSourceInternal ( int level, int row, int col, Action onComplete, bool internalCall ) : void
InitializeTileProvider ( ITileImageProvider newTileProvider ) : void
PauseProcessingWebRequests ( object sender, System.Windows.ExitEventArgs e ) : void
ReadFully ( Stream stream ) : byte[]
StartProcessingWebRequest ( ) : void
StopProcessingWebRequests ( object sender, System.Windows.ExitEventArgs e ) : void

Method Details

GetMenuItems() public method

public GetMenuItems ( ) : List
return List

GetTileSource() protected method

protected GetTileSource ( int level, int row, int col, Action onComplete ) : void
level int
row int
col int
onComplete Action
return void

GetTileUrl() public method

Returns a url to the specified tile
public GetTileUrl ( int level, int row, int col ) : string
level int Layer level
row int Tile row
col int Tile column
return string

Initialize() public method

public Initialize ( ) : void
return void

WebTileLayer() public method

Initializes a new instance of the OpenStreetMapLayer class.
public WebTileLayer ( ) : System.Collections.Concurrent
return System.Collections.Concurrent