C# Class csModels.ZoneModel.ZonesPoi

Provide the PoI with an option to draw named zones. Input Labels: * ModelId.IsAreaFilled Output Labels: * ZoneList.ZonesLabel
Inheritance: ModelPoiBase
显示文件 Open project: TNOCS/csTouch Class Usage Examples

Private Properties

Property Type Description
AddZone void
DeleteAllZones void
UpdateInfoFromLabels void
Zones_CollectionChanged void

Public Methods

Method Description
RemoveGraphics ( ) : void
SaveLabel ( ) : void
Start ( ) : void
Stop ( ) : void
UpdateGraphics ( ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
AddZone ( Zone z ) : void
DeleteAllZones ( ) : void
UpdateInfoFromLabels ( ) : void

Update the internal state based on the label values.

Zones_CollectionChanged ( object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e ) : void

Method Details

RemoveGraphics() public method

public RemoveGraphics ( ) : void
return void

SaveLabel() public method

public SaveLabel ( ) : void
return void

Start() public method

public Start ( ) : void
return void

Stop() public method

public Stop ( ) : void
return void

UpdateGraphics() public method

public UpdateGraphics ( ) : void
return void