C# Class ZeroInstall.Services.Feeds.TrustManager

Methods for verifying signatures and user trust.
Inheritance: ITrustManager
显示文件 Open project: 0install/0install-win

Public Methods

Method Description
TrustManager ( [ config, [ openPgp, [ trustDB, [ feedCache, [ handler ) : System

Creates a new trust manager.

Private Methods

Method Description
AcquireMissingKey ( [ signature, [ uri, [ localPath = null ) : void

Acquires the OpenPGP key file required to verify the given signature.

AskKeyApproval ( [ uri, [ fingerprint, Domain domain ) : bool

Asks the user whether they trust a given key for a specific domain. May automatically accept based on policy.

CheckTrust ( byte data, FeedUri uri, string localPath = null ) : ValidSignature
DownloadKey ( [ keyUri ) : void

Downloads and imports a remote key file.

GetKeyInformation ( [ fingerprint, bool &goodVote ) : string
GetMirrorUrl ( [ signature ) : Uri
HandleNewKey ( [ uri, [ fingerprint, Domain domain ) : bool

Handles new keys that have not been trusted yet.

Method Details

TrustManager() public method

Creates a new trust manager.
public TrustManager ( [ config, [ openPgp, [ trustDB, [ feedCache, [ handler ) : System
config [ User settings controlling network behaviour, solving, etc.
openPgp [ The OpenPGP-compatible system used to validate the signatures.
trustDB [ A database of OpenPGP signature fingerprints the users trusts to sign s coming from specific domains.
feedCache [ Provides access to a cache of s that were downloaded via HTTP(S).
handler [ A callback object used when the the user needs to be asked questions.
return System