C# Class XWord.XWikiNavigationPane

A task pane used to browse the wiki structure.
显示文件 Open project: xwiki-contrib/xwiki-office Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
treeView System.Windows.Forms.TreeView

Public Methods

Method Description
BuildTree ( ) : void

Adds the nodes to the tree.

ClearNodes ( ) : void

Deletes all nodes from the treview.

GetProtectedPages ( ) : List

Gets a list with the protected pages and spaces in the wiki The names support whildcards.

RefreshWikiExplorer ( ) : void

Reloads the wiki structure displayed in the wiki explorer.

ReloadDataAndSyncAll ( ) : void

Reloads data from the server and syncs all taskpanes

ShowAttachments ( TreeNode node ) : void

Connects to a XWiki server and retrieves the attachment list to for a page.

An async method is recomended so that it does not block the UI

ShowPages ( TreeNode node ) : void

Connects to a XWiki server and retrieves the pages list to for a space.

SynchTaskPanes ( ) : void

Syncronizes all WikiExplorer task panes.

ViewInBrowser ( ) : void

Opens the URL if the selected page in the default browser.

XWikiNavigationPane ( XWikiAddIn addin ) : System

Instantiates the user control. Constructor

Private Methods

Method Description
AddUnpublishedData ( Wiki &actualWiki, Wiki &unpublishedWiki ) : void
InitializeComponent ( ) : void

Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor.

LoadWikiStructure ( ) : void

Loads the wiki structure(Spaces and pages).

ParseWikiStructure ( String s ) : void

Parses the wiki structure from the given string. And attaches the new instance to the addin instance.

RequestWikiStructure ( ) : Wiki

Requests the spaces and pages of the wiki from the server.

ResetNavigationContextMenus ( ) : void

//Enables the buttons that start actions that that are valid for the current selected node.

XWikiNavigationPane_Leave ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Event triggered when the context menu loses the focus.

XWikiNavigationPane_Load ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Event triggered on the cutom form load.

XWikiNavigationPane_Resize ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Event triggered when the control resizes.

XWikiNavigationPane_VisibleChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
backgroundWorker_DoWork ( object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e ) : void

Loads the wiki data using a background thread.

backgroundWorker_ProgressChanged ( object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e ) : void

Event triggered when the background worker reports it's progress.

btnAddSpace_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Event triggered when the "Add Space" button is pressed.

btnRefresh_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Event triggered when the "Refresh" button is pressed.

btnSaveToXWiki_click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Event triggered when the "Save" button is pressed.

cmnuAttachFile_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Attaches the current Word document to the selected wiki page. Event triggered when the "Attach file" button in the context menu is pressed.

cmnuDownloadOpenFile_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Downloads the selected file to the local disk and openes it(optional).

cmnuEditPage_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Event triggered when the "Edit Page" button in the context menu is pressed.

cmnuNewPage_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Event triggered when the "New Page" context button is pressed.

cmnuViewInBrowser_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Event triggered when the "View in browser" button is pressed.

refreshWikiExplorerToolStripMenuItem_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Reloads the wiki structure displayed in the wiki explorer.

timerUI_Tick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Refreshes the wiki explorer after the data has finished loadind.

treeMenuStrip_Opening ( object sender, CancelEventArgs e ) : void

Event triggered when the context menu is opening.

treeView1_AfterSelect ( object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e ) : void

Fires right after a new node is selected in the navigation tree.

treeView1_DoubleClick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Event triggered when the user double clicks in the Wiki Explorer. Each node level has its' specific action.

treeView1_Leave ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

Event triggered when the Wiki Explorer loses the focus.

treeView_BeforeExpand ( object sender, TreeViewCancelEventArgs e ) : void
treeView_MouseDown ( object sender, MouseEventArgs e ) : void

Method Details

BuildTree() public method

Adds the nodes to the tree.
public BuildTree ( ) : void
return void

ClearNodes() public method

Deletes all nodes from the treview.
public ClearNodes ( ) : void
return void

GetProtectedPages() public method

Gets a list with the protected pages and spaces in the wiki The names support whildcards.
public GetProtectedPages ( ) : List
return List

RefreshWikiExplorer() public method

Reloads the wiki structure displayed in the wiki explorer.
public RefreshWikiExplorer ( ) : void
return void

ReloadDataAndSyncAll() public static method

Reloads data from the server and syncs all taskpanes
public static ReloadDataAndSyncAll ( ) : void
return void

ShowAttachments() public method

Connects to a XWiki server and retrieves the attachment list to for a page.
An async method is recomended so that it does not block the UI
public ShowAttachments ( TreeNode node ) : void
node TreeNode The node of a tree control
return void

ShowPages() public method

Connects to a XWiki server and retrieves the pages list to for a space.
public ShowPages ( TreeNode node ) : void
node TreeNode The node of a tree control
return void

SynchTaskPanes() public static method

Syncronizes all WikiExplorer task panes.
public static SynchTaskPanes ( ) : void
return void

ViewInBrowser() public method

Opens the URL if the selected page in the default browser.
public ViewInBrowser ( ) : void
return void

XWikiNavigationPane() public method

Instantiates the user control. Constructor
public XWikiNavigationPane ( XWikiAddIn addin ) : System
addin XWikiAddIn The global instance of the addin.
return System

Property Details

TASK_PANE_TITLE public_oe static_oe property

The title of the Wiki Explorer taskpanes.
public static String TASK_PANE_TITLE
return String

XWIKI_EXPLORER_TAG public_oe static_oe property

The tag for WikiExplorer
public static String XWIKI_EXPLORER_TAG
return String

treeView public_oe property

The tree view that displays the wiki structure.
public System.Windows.Forms.TreeView treeView
return System.Windows.Forms.TreeView