C# Class XUnit.Solidworks.Addin.SolidWorksSpec

显示文件 Open project: Weingartner/SolidworksAddinFramework Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
ContinueTestExecution ( ) : void
PauseTestExecution ( bool pause = true ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Protected Methods

Method Description
CreatePartDoc ( ) : IModelDoc2

Create a part using the standard template

CreatePartDoc ( string path ) : IModelDoc2
CreatePartDoc ( Func action ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
CreatePartDoc ( Task>.Func action ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
CreatePartDoc ( string path, Func action ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
CreatePartDoc ( Action action ) : void
CreatePartDoc ( Action action ) : void

Create a part doc which will be deleted after the action even if the test fails

CreatePartDoc ( IDisposable>.Func action ) : void

Create a part doc which will be deleted if keep is false. This is mainly useful just for debugging so that the document is kept open after a test is run so you can eyeball the results.

CreatePartDoc ( string path, IDisposable>.Func action ) : void
CreatePartDocWithTitle ( string title, IDisposable>.Func action ) : void

Method Details

ContinueTestExecution() public static method

public static ContinueTestExecution ( ) : void
return void

CreatePartDoc() protected method

Create a part using the standard template
protected CreatePartDoc ( ) : IModelDoc2
return IModelDoc2

CreatePartDoc() protected method

protected CreatePartDoc ( string path ) : IModelDoc2
path string
return IModelDoc2

CreatePartDoc() protected method

protected CreatePartDoc ( Func action ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
action Func
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

CreatePartDoc() protected method

protected CreatePartDoc ( Task>.Func action ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
action Task>.Func
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

CreatePartDoc() protected method

protected CreatePartDoc ( string path, Func action ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
path string
action Func
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

CreatePartDoc() protected method

protected CreatePartDoc ( Action action ) : void
action Action
return void

CreatePartDoc() protected method

Create a part doc which will be deleted after the action even if the test fails
protected CreatePartDoc ( Action action ) : void
action Action
return void

CreatePartDoc() protected method

Create a part doc which will be deleted if keep is false. This is mainly useful just for debugging so that the document is kept open after a test is run so you can eyeball the results.
protected CreatePartDoc ( IDisposable>.Func action ) : void
action IDisposable>.Func
return void

CreatePartDoc() protected method

protected CreatePartDoc ( string path, IDisposable>.Func action ) : void
path string
action IDisposable>.Func
return void

CreatePartDocWithTitle() protected method

protected CreatePartDocWithTitle ( string title, IDisposable>.Func action ) : void
title string
action IDisposable>.Func
return void

PauseTestExecution() public static method

public static PauseTestExecution ( bool pause = true ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
pause bool
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task