C# Class WPFLocalizeExtension.Engine.ObjectDependencyManager

This class ensures, that a specific object lives as long a associated object is alive.
显示文件 Open project: SeriousM/WPFLocalizationExtension

Public Methods

Method Description
CleanUp ( ) : void

This method cleans up all independent (!WeakReference.IsAlive) objects.

Private Methods

Method Description
AddObjectDependency ( WeakReference weakRefDp, object objToHold ) : bool
CleanUp ( object objToRemove ) : void
ObjectDependencyManager ( ) : System

Initializes static members of the ObjectDependencyManager class. Static Constructor. Creates a new instance of Dictionary(object, WeakReference) and set it to the internalList.

Method Details

CleanUp() public static method

This method cleans up all independent (!WeakReference.IsAlive) objects.
public static CleanUp ( ) : void
return void