C# Class VSNDK.DebugEngine.AD7Expression

This class represents a parsed expression ready for binding and evaluating. It is returned as a result of a successful call to IDebugExpressionContext2.ParseText It allows the debugger to obtain the values of an expression in the debuggee. (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-ca/library/bb162308.aspx)
Inheritance: IDebugExpression2
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Public Methods

Method Description
AD7Expression ( string exp, AD7StackFrame frame, EventDispatcher dispatcher ) : System


evaluatingAsync ( ) : void

Thread responsible for evaluating expressions asynchronously.

Private Methods

Method Description
IDebugExpression2 ( ) : int

This method cancels asynchronous expression evaluation as started by a call to the IDebugExpression2::EvaluateAsync method. Not implemented yet because it was not needed till now. (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-ca/library/bb145924.aspx)

IDebugExpression2 ( enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback ) : int

This method evaluates the expression asynchronously. This is primarily used for the immediate window. (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-ca/library/bb146752.aspx)

IDebugExpression2 ( enum_EVALFLAGS dwFlags, uint dwTimeout, IDebugEventCallback2 pExprCallback, IDebugProperty2 &ppResult ) : int

This method evaluates the expression synchronously. (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-ca/library/bb146982.aspx)

Method Details

AD7Expression() public method

public AD7Expression ( string exp, AD7StackFrame frame, EventDispatcher dispatcher ) : System
exp string The expression to be evaluated.
frame AD7StackFrame Current stack frame.
dispatcher EventDispatcher Represents the class that manages debug events for the debug engine.
return System

evaluatingAsync() public method

Thread responsible for evaluating expressions asynchronously.
public evaluatingAsync ( ) : void
return void