C# Class UnityUI.iOS.AppDelegate

Inheritance: Unity.Platform.IPhone.IPhoneUIApplicationDelegate
显示文件 Open project: Appverse/appverse-mobile Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
AppDelegate ( ) : System
AppDelegate ( IntPtr ptr ) : System
AppDelegate ( NSObjectFlag flag ) : System
ApplicationSignificantTimeChange ( UIApplication application ) : void
AwakeFromNib ( ) : void
BindCustomViewController ( ) : UnityUI.iOS.UnityUI_iOSViewController
ChangedStatusBarFrame ( UIApplication application, CGRect oldStatusBarFrame ) : void
DetectWebViewLoadFinishedEvent ( UIApplication application, NSDictionary launchOptions ) : void
DidChangeStatusBarOrientation ( UIApplication application, UIInterfaceOrientation oldStatusBarOrientation ) : void
DidEnterBackground ( UIApplication application ) : void
DismissSplashScreen ( ) : bool
DoesNotRecognizeSelector ( ObjCRuntime sel ) : void
FinishedLaunching ( UIApplication application, NSDictionary launchOptions ) : bool
FinishedLaunching ( UIApplication application ) : void
GetListeningPort ( ) : int
HandleOpenURL ( UIApplication application, NSUrl url ) : bool
MainUIViewController ( ) : UIKit.UIViewController
MainViewController ( ) : UnityUI.iOS.UnityUI_iOSViewController
OnActivated ( UIApplication application ) : void
OnResignActivation ( UIApplication application ) : void
PerformSelector ( ObjCRuntime sel, NSObject obj, double delay ) : void
ReceiveMemoryWarning ( UIApplication application ) : void
ReceivedLocalNotification ( UIApplication application, UILocalNotification localNotification ) : void

Sent to the delegate when a running application receives a local notification.

RespondsToSelector ( ObjCRuntime sel ) : bool
SecurityChecksPassed ( ) : bool
SetDataDetectorTypes ( ) : void
SetMainUIViewControllerAsTopController ( bool topController ) : void
ShowSplashScreen ( UIInterfaceOrientation orientation ) : bool
WillChangeStatusBarFrame ( UIApplication application, CGRect newStatusBarFrame ) : void
WillChangeStatusBarOrientation ( UIApplication application, UIInterfaceOrientation newStatusBarOrientation, double duration ) : void
WillEnterForeground ( UIApplication application ) : void
WillTerminate ( UIApplication application ) : void
loadApplicationPreferences ( ) : void
processLaunchData ( ) : void

Processes the launch data received when launched externally (using custom scheme url).

processLaunchOptions ( NSDictionary options, bool fromFinishedLaunching, UIApplicationState applicationState ) : void

Processes any received launch options.

Protected Methods

Method Description
GetIPCDefaultPort ( NSDictionary settings ) : int

loadSettings ( ) : NSDictionary

Loads the default settings from custom PLIST file.

log ( string message ) : void
openSocketListener ( int port ) : void

Open Socket listener on specific port

Private Methods

Method Description
InitializeAppverseContext ( ) : void

Initializes the appverse context exposing data to the WebView Javascript DOM.

InitializeUnity ( ) : void
InitializeUnityServer ( ) : void
InitializeUnityView ( ) : void
NotifyEnterBackground ( ) : void
NotifyEnterForeground ( ) : void
PlayNotificationSound ( String soundName ) : void
ProcessLocalNotification ( UIApplicationState applicationState, UILocalNotification localNotification ) : void

Processes the local notification.

ShowNotificationAlert ( string title, string message ) : void

Manually shows a notification alert.

UpdateApplicationIconBadgeNumber ( int badge ) : void
closeOpenedSocketListener ( ) : void

Closing Opened SocketListener

openSocketListener ( NSDictionary settings ) : void
performSecurityChecks ( ) : bool

Method Details

AppDelegate() public method

public AppDelegate ( ) : System
return System

AppDelegate() public method

public AppDelegate ( IntPtr ptr ) : System
ptr System.IntPtr
return System

AppDelegate() public method

public AppDelegate ( NSObjectFlag flag ) : System
flag NSObjectFlag
return System

ApplicationSignificantTimeChange() public method

public ApplicationSignificantTimeChange ( UIApplication application ) : void
application UIApplication
return void

AwakeFromNib() public method

public AwakeFromNib ( ) : void
return void

BindCustomViewController() public abstract method

public abstract BindCustomViewController ( ) : UnityUI.iOS.UnityUI_iOSViewController
return UnityUI.iOS.UnityUI_iOSViewController

ChangedStatusBarFrame() public method

public ChangedStatusBarFrame ( UIApplication application, CGRect oldStatusBarFrame ) : void
application UIApplication
oldStatusBarFrame CGRect
return void

DetectWebViewLoadFinishedEvent() public abstract method

public abstract DetectWebViewLoadFinishedEvent ( UIApplication application, NSDictionary launchOptions ) : void
application UIApplication
launchOptions NSDictionary
return void

DidChangeStatusBarOrientation() public method

public DidChangeStatusBarOrientation ( UIApplication application, UIInterfaceOrientation oldStatusBarOrientation ) : void
application UIApplication
oldStatusBarOrientation UIInterfaceOrientation
return void

DidEnterBackground() public method

public DidEnterBackground ( UIApplication application ) : void
application UIApplication
return void

DismissSplashScreen() public method

public DismissSplashScreen ( ) : bool
return bool

DoesNotRecognizeSelector() public method

public DoesNotRecognizeSelector ( ObjCRuntime sel ) : void
sel ObjCRuntime
return void

FinishedLaunching() public method

public FinishedLaunching ( UIApplication application, NSDictionary launchOptions ) : bool
application UIApplication
launchOptions NSDictionary
return bool

FinishedLaunching() public method

public FinishedLaunching ( UIApplication application ) : void
application UIApplication
return void

GetIPCDefaultPort() protected static method

protected static GetIPCDefaultPort ( NSDictionary settings ) : int
settings NSDictionary
return int

GetListeningPort() public method

public GetListeningPort ( ) : int
return int

HandleOpenURL() public method

public HandleOpenURL ( UIApplication application, NSUrl url ) : bool
application UIApplication
url NSUrl
return bool

MainUIViewController() public method

public MainUIViewController ( ) : UIKit.UIViewController
return UIKit.UIViewController

MainViewController() public method

public MainViewController ( ) : UnityUI.iOS.UnityUI_iOSViewController
return UnityUI.iOS.UnityUI_iOSViewController

OnActivated() public method

public OnActivated ( UIApplication application ) : void
application UIApplication
return void

OnResignActivation() public method

public OnResignActivation ( UIApplication application ) : void
application UIApplication
return void

PerformSelector() public method

public PerformSelector ( ObjCRuntime sel, NSObject obj, double delay ) : void
sel ObjCRuntime
obj NSObject
delay double
return void

ReceiveMemoryWarning() public method

public ReceiveMemoryWarning ( UIApplication application ) : void
application UIApplication
return void

ReceivedLocalNotification() public method

Sent to the delegate when a running application receives a local notification.
public ReceivedLocalNotification ( UIApplication application, UILocalNotification localNotification ) : void
application UIApplication Application.
localNotification UILocalNotification Local notification.
return void

RespondsToSelector() public method

public RespondsToSelector ( ObjCRuntime sel ) : bool
sel ObjCRuntime
return bool

SecurityChecksPassed() public method

public SecurityChecksPassed ( ) : bool
return bool

SetDataDetectorTypes() public abstract method

public abstract SetDataDetectorTypes ( ) : void
return void

SetMainUIViewControllerAsTopController() public method

public SetMainUIViewControllerAsTopController ( bool topController ) : void
topController bool
return void

ShowSplashScreen() public method

public ShowSplashScreen ( UIInterfaceOrientation orientation ) : bool
orientation UIInterfaceOrientation
return bool

WillChangeStatusBarFrame() public method

public WillChangeStatusBarFrame ( UIApplication application, CGRect newStatusBarFrame ) : void
application UIApplication
newStatusBarFrame CGRect
return void

WillChangeStatusBarOrientation() public method

public WillChangeStatusBarOrientation ( UIApplication application, UIInterfaceOrientation newStatusBarOrientation, double duration ) : void
application UIApplication
newStatusBarOrientation UIInterfaceOrientation
duration double
return void

WillEnterForeground() public method

public WillEnterForeground ( UIApplication application ) : void
application UIApplication
return void

WillTerminate() public method

public WillTerminate ( UIApplication application ) : void
application UIApplication
return void

loadApplicationPreferences() public method

public loadApplicationPreferences ( ) : void
return void

loadSettings() protected method

Loads the default settings from custom PLIST file.
protected loadSettings ( ) : NSDictionary
return NSDictionary

log() protected method

protected log ( string message ) : void
message string
return void

openSocketListener() protected method

Open Socket listener on specific port
protected openSocketListener ( int port ) : void
port int
return void

processLaunchData() public method

Processes the launch data received when launched externally (using custom scheme url).
public processLaunchData ( ) : void
return void

processLaunchOptions() public method

Processes any received launch options.
public processLaunchOptions ( NSDictionary options, bool fromFinishedLaunching, UIApplicationState applicationState ) : void
options NSDictionary Options.
fromFinishedLaunching bool True if this method comes from the 'FinishedLaunching' delegated method
applicationState UIApplicationState The application state that received the special launch options
return void

Property Details

MAIN_HTML_PATTERN public_oe static_oe property

public static string MAIN_HTML_PATTERN
return string