C# Class UnityEngine.Windows.Speech.DictationRecognizer

DictationRecognizer listens to speech input and attempts to determine what phrase was uttered.

Inheritance: IDisposable
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Public Methods

Method Description
DictationRecognizer ( ) : System

Create a DictationRecognizer with the specified minimum confidence and dictation topic constraint. Phrases under the specified minimum level will be ignored.

DictationRecognizer ( ConfidenceLevel confidenceLevel ) : System

Create a DictationRecognizer with the specified minimum confidence and dictation topic constraint. Phrases under the specified minimum level will be ignored.

DictationRecognizer ( ConfidenceLevel minimumConfidence, DictationTopicConstraint topic ) : System

Create a DictationRecognizer with the specified minimum confidence and dictation topic constraint. Phrases under the specified minimum level will be ignored.

DictationRecognizer ( DictationTopicConstraint topic ) : System

Create a DictationRecognizer with the specified minimum confidence and dictation topic constraint. Phrases under the specified minimum level will be ignored.

Dispose ( ) : void

Disposes the resources this dictation recognizer uses.

Start ( ) : void

Starts the dictation recognization session. Dictation recognizer can only be started if PhraseRecognitionSystem is not running.

Stop ( ) : void

Stops the dictation recognization session.

Private Methods

Method Description
Create ( ConfidenceLevel minimumConfidence, DictationTopicConstraint topicConstraint ) : IntPtr
Destroy ( IntPtr self ) : void
DestroyThreaded ( IntPtr self ) : void
DictationRecognizer_InvokeCompletedEvent ( DictationCompletionCause cause ) : void
DictationRecognizer_InvokeErrorEvent ( string error, int hresult ) : void
DictationRecognizer_InvokeHypothesisGeneratedEvent ( string keyword ) : void
DictationRecognizer_InvokeResultGeneratedEvent ( string keyword, ConfidenceLevel minimumConfidence ) : void
GetAutoSilenceTimeoutSeconds ( IntPtr self ) : float
GetInitialSilenceTimeoutSeconds ( IntPtr self ) : float
GetStatus ( IntPtr self ) : SpeechSystemStatus
INTERNAL_CALL_Create ( DictationRecognizer self, ConfidenceLevel minimumConfidence, DictationTopicConstraint topicConstraint, IntPtr &value ) : void
SetAutoSilenceTimeoutSeconds ( IntPtr self, float value ) : void
SetInitialSilenceTimeoutSeconds ( IntPtr self, float value ) : void
Start ( IntPtr self ) : void
Stop ( IntPtr self ) : void

Method Details

DictationRecognizer() public method

Create a DictationRecognizer with the specified minimum confidence and dictation topic constraint. Phrases under the specified minimum level will be ignored.

public DictationRecognizer ( ) : System
return System

DictationRecognizer() public method

Create a DictationRecognizer with the specified minimum confidence and dictation topic constraint. Phrases under the specified minimum level will be ignored.

public DictationRecognizer ( ConfidenceLevel confidenceLevel ) : System
confidenceLevel ConfidenceLevel
return System

DictationRecognizer() public method

Create a DictationRecognizer with the specified minimum confidence and dictation topic constraint. Phrases under the specified minimum level will be ignored.

public DictationRecognizer ( ConfidenceLevel minimumConfidence, DictationTopicConstraint topic ) : System
minimumConfidence ConfidenceLevel The confidence level at which the recognizer will begin accepting phrases.
topic DictationTopicConstraint The dictation topic that this dictation recognizer should optimize its recognition for.
return System

DictationRecognizer() public method

Create a DictationRecognizer with the specified minimum confidence and dictation topic constraint. Phrases under the specified minimum level will be ignored.

public DictationRecognizer ( DictationTopicConstraint topic ) : System
topic DictationTopicConstraint The dictation topic that this dictation recognizer should optimize its recognition for.
return System

Dispose() public method

Disposes the resources this dictation recognizer uses.

public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

Start() public method

Starts the dictation recognization session. Dictation recognizer can only be started if PhraseRecognitionSystem is not running.

public Start ( ) : void
return void

Stop() public method

Stops the dictation recognization session.

public Stop ( ) : void
return void