C# Class TvDatabase.TvBusinessLayer

显示文件 Open project: MediaPortal/MediaPortal-1 Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
AddCard ( string name, string devicePath, TvDatabase.Server server ) : TvDatabase.Card
AddChannelToGroup ( TvDatabase.Channel channel, TvDatabase.ChannelGroup group ) : void
AddChannelToGroup ( TvDatabase.Channel channel, string groupName ) : void
AddChannelToRadioGroup ( TvDatabase.Channel channel, TvDatabase.RadioChannelGroup group ) : void
AddChannelToRadioGroup ( TvDatabase.Channel channel, string groupName ) : void

Add a radio channel to radio group by name

AddNewChannel ( string name, int channelNumber ) : TvDatabase.Channel
AddSchedule ( int idChannel, string programName, System.DateTime startTime, System.DateTime endTime, int scheduleType ) : TvDatabase.Schedule
AddTuningDetails ( TvDatabase.Channel channel, IChannel tvChannel ) : TvDatabase.TuningDetail
AddWebStreamTuningDetails ( TvDatabase.Channel channel, string url, int bitrate ) : TvDatabase.TuningDetail
CreateGroup ( string groupName ) : TvDatabase.ChannelGroup
DeleteCard ( TvDatabase.Card card ) : void
DeleteChannel ( TvDatabase.Channel channel ) : void
EscapeSQLString ( string original ) : string
GetAllRadioChannels ( ) : IList
GetCardByDevicePath ( string path ) : TvDatabase.Card
GetCardByName ( string name ) : TvDatabase.Card
GetChannel ( int idChannel ) : TvDatabase.Channel
GetChannelByTuningDetail ( int networkId, int transportId, int serviceId ) : TvDatabase.Channel
GetChannelType ( TvLibrary.Channels.DVBBaseChannel channel ) : int
GetChannelsByName ( string name ) : IList
GetChannelsInGroup ( TvDatabase.ChannelGroup group ) : IList
GetConflictingSchedules ( TvDatabase.Schedule rec, List &conflictingSchedules, List &notViewableSchedules ) : void
GetDateTimeString ( ) : string
GetGenres ( ) : List
GetGroupByName ( string aGroupName ) : TvDatabase.ChannelGroup
GetGroupByName ( string aGroupName, int aSortOrder ) : TvDatabase.ChannelGroup
GetLinkagesForChannel ( TvDatabase.Channel channel ) : IList
GetMpGenres ( ) : List

Returns a list of MediaPortal genres.

GetNewestProgramForChannel ( int idChannel ) : System.DateTime
GetNowAndNext ( List aEpgChannelList ) : NowAndNext>.Dictionary
GetOnairNow ( ) : IList
GetProgramExists ( TvDatabase.Channel channel, System.DateTime startTime, System.DateTime endTime ) : IList
GetProgramGenres ( ) : List
GetPrograms ( TvDatabase.Channel channel, System.DateTime startTime ) : IList
GetPrograms ( TvDatabase.Channel channel, System.DateTime startTime, System.DateTime endTime ) : IList
GetPrograms ( System.DateTime startTime, System.DateTime endTime ) : IList
GetProgramsByTitle ( TvDatabase.Channel channel, System.DateTime startTime, System.DateTime endTime, string title ) : IList
GetProgramsByTitle ( System.DateTime startTime, System.DateTime endTime, string title ) : IList
GetProgramsForAllChannels ( System.DateTime startTime, System.DateTime endTime, List channelList ) : List>.Dictionary
GetRadioChannelGroupByName ( string name ) : TvDatabase.RadioChannelGroup
GetRadioGuideChannelsForGroup ( int groupID ) : List

Gets a list of radio channels sorted by their group

GetRecordingByFileName ( string fileName ) : TvDatabase.Recording
GetRecordingTimes ( TvDatabase.Schedule rec ) : List
GetRecordingTimes ( TvDatabase.Schedule rec, int days ) : List
GetSchedule ( int idChannel, string programName, System.DateTime startTime, System.DateTime endTime, int scheduleType ) : TvDatabase.Schedule
GetSetting ( string tagName ) : TvDatabase.Setting

gets a value from the database table "Setting"

GetSetting ( string tagName, string defaultValue ) : TvDatabase.Setting

gets a value from the database table "Setting"

GetSofwareEncodersAudio ( ) : IList
GetSofwareEncodersVideo ( ) : IList
GetTVGuideChannelsForGroup ( int groupID ) : List

Gets a list of tv channels sorted by their group

GetTuningChannel ( TvDatabase.TuningDetail detail ) : IChannel
GetTuningChannelByType ( TvDatabase.Channel channel, int channelType ) : IChannel
GetTuningChannelsByDbChannel ( TvDatabase.Channel channel ) : List
GetTuningDetail ( TvLibrary.Channels.DVBBaseChannel channel ) : TvDatabase.TuningDetail
GetTuningDetail ( String url, int channelType ) : TvDatabase.TuningDetail
GetTuningDetail ( int networkId, int serviceId, int channelType ) : TvDatabase.TuningDetail
GetTuningDetail ( int networkId, int transportId, int serviceId, int channelType ) : TvDatabase.TuningDetail
GetTuningDetailsByName ( string name, int channelType ) : IList
InsertPrograms ( List aProgramList, DeleteBeforeImportOption progamsToDelete, ThreadPriority aThreadPriority ) : int

Batch inserts programs - intended for faster EPG import. You must make sure before that there are no duplicates (e.g. delete all program data of the current channel). Also you MUST provide a true copy of "aProgramList". If you update it's reference in your own code the values will get overwritten (possibly before they are written to disk)!

Inserts are queued to be performed in the background. Each batch of inserts is executed in a single transaction. You may also optionally specify to delete either all existing programs in the same channel(s) as the programs to be inserted (DeleteBeforeImportOption.ProgramsOnSameChannel), or existing programs that would otherwise overlap new programs (DeleteBeforeImportOption.OverlappingPrograms), or none (DeleteBeforeImportOption.None). The deletion is also performed in the same transaction as the inserts so that EPG will not be at any time empty.

After all insert have completed and the background thread is idle for 60 seconds, the program states are automatically updated to reflect the changes.

InsertPrograms ( List aProgramList, ThreadPriority aThreadPriority ) : int

Batch inserts programs - intended for faster EPG import. You must make sure before that there are no duplicates (e.g. delete all program data of the current channel). Also you MUST provide a true copy of "aProgramList". If you update it's reference in your own code the values will get overwritten (possibly before they are written to disk)!

IsChannelMappedToCard ( TvDatabase.Channel dbChannel, TvDatabase.Card card, bool forEpg ) : bool
ListAllEnabledCardsOrderedByPriority ( ) : IList
MapChannelToCard ( TvDatabase.Card card, TvDatabase.Channel channel, bool epgOnly ) : TvDatabase.ChannelMap
OptimizeMySql ( string aTable ) : void

Checks a MySQL table for corruption and optimizes / compacts it. Use this after lots of insert / delete operations.

RemoveAllPrograms ( int idChannel ) : void
RemoveOldPrograms ( ) : void
RemoveOldPrograms ( int idChannel ) : void
SaveMpGenres ( List mpGenres ) : void

Save the specified list of MediaPortal genres to the database.

SearchMinimalPrograms ( System.DateTime startTime, System.DateTime endTime, string programName, TvDatabase.Channel channel ) : IList
SearchPrograms ( string searchCriteria ) : IList
SearchPrograms ( string searchCriteria, ChannelType channelType ) : IList
SearchProgramsByDescription ( string searchCriteria ) : IList
SearchProgramsByDescription ( string searchCriteria, ChannelType channelType ) : IList
SearchProgramsPerGenre ( string currentGenre, string searchCriteria ) : IList
SearchProgramsPerGenre ( string currentGenre, string searchCriteria, ChannelType channelType ) : IList
SetLogLevel ( ) : void

Set the log level

UpdateTuningDetails ( TvDatabase.Channel channel, IChannel tvChannel, TvDatabase.TuningDetail detail ) : TvDatabase.TuningDetail
WaitForInsertPrograms ( ) : void
WaitForInsertPrograms ( int millisecondsTimeout ) : void
isSameTransponder ( TvDatabase.Schedule schedule1, TvDatabase.Schedule schedule2 ) : bool

checks if 2 schedules have a common Transponder depending on tuningdetails of their respective channels

Private Methods

Method Description
AddNewChannel ( string name ) : TvDatabase.Channel
AssignSchedulesToCard ( TvDatabase.Schedule schedule, List cardSchedules, List &overlappingSchedules, List &notViewabledSchedules ) : bool
BuildCommandTextMiniGuide ( string aProvider, ICollection aEpgChannelList ) : string
BuildEpgSelect ( IEnumerable channelList, string aProvider ) : string
BuildNowNextFromDataSet ( DataSet dataSet ) : NowAndNext>.Dictionary
ExecuteDeleteProgramsMySqlCommand ( IEnumerable deleteProgramRanges, MySqlConnection aConnection, MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlTransaction aTransaction, int aDelay ) : void
ExecuteDeleteProgramsMySqlCommand ( IEnumerable channelIds, MySqlConnection aConnection, MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlTransaction aTransaction, int aDelay ) : void
ExecuteDeleteProgramsSqlServerCommand ( IEnumerable deleteProgramRanges, SqlConnection aConnection, SqlTransaction aTransaction, int aDelay ) : void
ExecuteDeleteProgramsSqlServerCommand ( IEnumerable channelIds, SqlConnection aConnection, SqlTransaction aTransaction, int aDelay ) : void
ExecuteInsertProgramsMySqlCommand ( IEnumerable aProgramList, MySqlConnection aConnection, MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlTransaction aTransaction, int aDelay ) : void
ExecuteInsertProgramsSqlServerCommand ( IEnumerable aProgramList, SqlConnection aConnection, SqlTransaction aTransaction, int aDelay ) : void
FileNotExistsString ( String fileName ) : String

Checks if a file doesnt exist and then returns the filename preceded by a CRLF combination. If the file does exist a empty string is returned.

FillProgramMapFromDataSet ( DataSet dataSet ) : List>.Dictionary
GetDefaultMpGenreNames ( ) : IList
InsertProgramsMySql ( ImportParams aImportParam ) : void
InsertProgramsSqlServer ( ImportParams aImportParam ) : void
InsertProgramsThreadStart ( ) : void
checkGentleFiles ( ) : void

Checks several files that are needed for using the gentle framework for the database. If some files are not present in the working folder an System.IO.FileNotFoundException exception is thrown

Method Details

AddCard() public method

public AddCard ( string name, string devicePath, TvDatabase.Server server ) : TvDatabase.Card
name string
devicePath string
server TvDatabase.Server
return TvDatabase.Card

AddChannelToGroup() public method

public AddChannelToGroup ( TvDatabase.Channel channel, TvDatabase.ChannelGroup group ) : void
channel TvDatabase.Channel
group TvDatabase.ChannelGroup
return void

AddChannelToGroup() public method

public AddChannelToGroup ( TvDatabase.Channel channel, string groupName ) : void
channel TvDatabase.Channel
groupName string
return void

AddChannelToRadioGroup() public method

public AddChannelToRadioGroup ( TvDatabase.Channel channel, TvDatabase.RadioChannelGroup group ) : void
channel TvDatabase.Channel
group TvDatabase.RadioChannelGroup
return void

AddChannelToRadioGroup() public method

Add a radio channel to radio group by name
public AddChannelToRadioGroup ( TvDatabase.Channel channel, string groupName ) : void
channel TvDatabase.Channel channel to add
groupName string target group name
return void

AddNewChannel() public method

public AddNewChannel ( string name, int channelNumber ) : TvDatabase.Channel
name string
channelNumber int
return TvDatabase.Channel

AddSchedule() public method

public AddSchedule ( int idChannel, string programName, System.DateTime startTime, System.DateTime endTime, int scheduleType ) : TvDatabase.Schedule
idChannel int
programName string
startTime System.DateTime
endTime System.DateTime
scheduleType int
return TvDatabase.Schedule

AddTuningDetails() public method

public AddTuningDetails ( TvDatabase.Channel channel, IChannel tvChannel ) : TvDatabase.TuningDetail
channel TvDatabase.Channel
tvChannel IChannel
return TvDatabase.TuningDetail

AddWebStreamTuningDetails() public method

public AddWebStreamTuningDetails ( TvDatabase.Channel channel, string url, int bitrate ) : TvDatabase.TuningDetail
channel TvDatabase.Channel
url string
bitrate int
return TvDatabase.TuningDetail

CreateGroup() public method

public CreateGroup ( string groupName ) : TvDatabase.ChannelGroup
groupName string
return TvDatabase.ChannelGroup

DeleteCard() public method

public DeleteCard ( TvDatabase.Card card ) : void
card TvDatabase.Card
return void

DeleteChannel() public method

public DeleteChannel ( TvDatabase.Channel channel ) : void
channel TvDatabase.Channel
return void

EscapeSQLString() public method

public EscapeSQLString ( string original ) : string
original string
return string

GetAllRadioChannels() public method

public GetAllRadioChannels ( ) : IList
return IList

GetCardByDevicePath() public method

public GetCardByDevicePath ( string path ) : TvDatabase.Card
path string
return TvDatabase.Card

GetCardByName() public method

public GetCardByName ( string name ) : TvDatabase.Card
name string
return TvDatabase.Card

GetChannel() public method

public GetChannel ( int idChannel ) : TvDatabase.Channel
idChannel int
return TvDatabase.Channel

GetChannelByTuningDetail() public method

public GetChannelByTuningDetail ( int networkId, int transportId, int serviceId ) : TvDatabase.Channel
networkId int
transportId int
serviceId int
return TvDatabase.Channel

GetChannelType() public static method

public static GetChannelType ( TvLibrary.Channels.DVBBaseChannel channel ) : int
channel TvLibrary.Channels.DVBBaseChannel
return int

GetChannelsByName() public method

public GetChannelsByName ( string name ) : IList
name string
return IList

GetChannelsInGroup() public method

public GetChannelsInGroup ( TvDatabase.ChannelGroup group ) : IList
group TvDatabase.ChannelGroup
return IList

GetConflictingSchedules() public method

public GetConflictingSchedules ( TvDatabase.Schedule rec, List &conflictingSchedules, List &notViewableSchedules ) : void
rec TvDatabase.Schedule
conflictingSchedules List
notViewableSchedules List
return void

GetDateTimeString() public method

public GetDateTimeString ( ) : string
return string

GetGenres() public method

public GetGenres ( ) : List
return List

GetGroupByName() public method

public GetGroupByName ( string aGroupName ) : TvDatabase.ChannelGroup
aGroupName string
return TvDatabase.ChannelGroup

GetGroupByName() public method

public GetGroupByName ( string aGroupName, int aSortOrder ) : TvDatabase.ChannelGroup
aGroupName string
aSortOrder int
return TvDatabase.ChannelGroup

GetLinkagesForChannel() public method

public GetLinkagesForChannel ( TvDatabase.Channel channel ) : IList
channel TvDatabase.Channel
return IList

GetMpGenres() public method

Returns a list of MediaPortal genres.
public GetMpGenres ( ) : List
return List

GetNewestProgramForChannel() public method

public GetNewestProgramForChannel ( int idChannel ) : System.DateTime
idChannel int
return System.DateTime

GetNowAndNext() public method

public GetNowAndNext ( List aEpgChannelList ) : NowAndNext>.Dictionary
aEpgChannelList List
return NowAndNext>.Dictionary

GetOnairNow() public method

public GetOnairNow ( ) : IList
return IList

GetProgramExists() public method

public GetProgramExists ( TvDatabase.Channel channel, System.DateTime startTime, System.DateTime endTime ) : IList
channel TvDatabase.Channel
startTime System.DateTime
endTime System.DateTime
return IList

GetProgramGenres() public method

public GetProgramGenres ( ) : List
return List

GetPrograms() public method

public GetPrograms ( TvDatabase.Channel channel, System.DateTime startTime ) : IList
channel TvDatabase.Channel
startTime System.DateTime
return IList

GetPrograms() public method

public GetPrograms ( TvDatabase.Channel channel, System.DateTime startTime, System.DateTime endTime ) : IList
channel TvDatabase.Channel
startTime System.DateTime
endTime System.DateTime
return IList

GetPrograms() public method

public GetPrograms ( System.DateTime startTime, System.DateTime endTime ) : IList
startTime System.DateTime
endTime System.DateTime
return IList

GetProgramsByTitle() public method

public GetProgramsByTitle ( TvDatabase.Channel channel, System.DateTime startTime, System.DateTime endTime, string title ) : IList
channel TvDatabase.Channel
startTime System.DateTime
endTime System.DateTime
title string
return IList

GetProgramsByTitle() public method

public GetProgramsByTitle ( System.DateTime startTime, System.DateTime endTime, string title ) : IList
startTime System.DateTime
endTime System.DateTime
title string
return IList

GetProgramsForAllChannels() public method

public GetProgramsForAllChannels ( System.DateTime startTime, System.DateTime endTime, List channelList ) : List>.Dictionary
startTime System.DateTime
endTime System.DateTime
channelList List
return List>.Dictionary

GetRadioChannelGroupByName() public method

public GetRadioChannelGroupByName ( string name ) : TvDatabase.RadioChannelGroup
name string
return TvDatabase.RadioChannelGroup

GetRadioGuideChannelsForGroup() public method

Gets a list of radio channels sorted by their group
public GetRadioGuideChannelsForGroup ( int groupID ) : List
groupID int
return List

GetRecordingByFileName() public method

public GetRecordingByFileName ( string fileName ) : TvDatabase.Recording
fileName string
return TvDatabase.Recording

GetRecordingTimes() public method

public GetRecordingTimes ( TvDatabase.Schedule rec ) : List
rec TvDatabase.Schedule
return List

GetRecordingTimes() public method

public GetRecordingTimes ( TvDatabase.Schedule rec, int days ) : List
rec TvDatabase.Schedule
days int
return List

GetSchedule() public method

public GetSchedule ( int idChannel, string programName, System.DateTime startTime, System.DateTime endTime, int scheduleType ) : TvDatabase.Schedule
idChannel int
programName string
startTime System.DateTime
endTime System.DateTime
scheduleType int
return TvDatabase.Schedule

GetSetting() public method

gets a value from the database table "Setting"
public GetSetting ( string tagName ) : TvDatabase.Setting
tagName string
return TvDatabase.Setting

GetSetting() public method

gets a value from the database table "Setting"
public GetSetting ( string tagName, string defaultValue ) : TvDatabase.Setting
tagName string
defaultValue string
return TvDatabase.Setting

GetSofwareEncodersAudio() public method

public GetSofwareEncodersAudio ( ) : IList
return IList

GetSofwareEncodersVideo() public method

public GetSofwareEncodersVideo ( ) : IList
return IList

GetTVGuideChannelsForGroup() public method

Gets a list of tv channels sorted by their group
public GetTVGuideChannelsForGroup ( int groupID ) : List
groupID int
return List

GetTuningChannel() public method

public GetTuningChannel ( TvDatabase.TuningDetail detail ) : IChannel
detail TvDatabase.TuningDetail
return IChannel

GetTuningChannelByType() public method

public GetTuningChannelByType ( TvDatabase.Channel channel, int channelType ) : IChannel
channel TvDatabase.Channel
channelType int
return IChannel

GetTuningChannelsByDbChannel() public method

public GetTuningChannelsByDbChannel ( TvDatabase.Channel channel ) : List
channel TvDatabase.Channel
return List

GetTuningDetail() public method

public GetTuningDetail ( TvLibrary.Channels.DVBBaseChannel channel ) : TvDatabase.TuningDetail
channel TvLibrary.Channels.DVBBaseChannel
return TvDatabase.TuningDetail

GetTuningDetail() public method

public GetTuningDetail ( String url, int channelType ) : TvDatabase.TuningDetail
url String
channelType int
return TvDatabase.TuningDetail

GetTuningDetail() public method

public GetTuningDetail ( int networkId, int serviceId, int channelType ) : TvDatabase.TuningDetail
networkId int
serviceId int
channelType int
return TvDatabase.TuningDetail

GetTuningDetail() public method

public GetTuningDetail ( int networkId, int transportId, int serviceId, int channelType ) : TvDatabase.TuningDetail
networkId int
transportId int
serviceId int
channelType int
return TvDatabase.TuningDetail

GetTuningDetailsByName() public method

public GetTuningDetailsByName ( string name, int channelType ) : IList
name string
channelType int
return IList

InsertPrograms() public method

Batch inserts programs - intended for faster EPG import. You must make sure before that there are no duplicates (e.g. delete all program data of the current channel). Also you MUST provide a true copy of "aProgramList". If you update it's reference in your own code the values will get overwritten (possibly before they are written to disk)!

Inserts are queued to be performed in the background. Each batch of inserts is executed in a single transaction. You may also optionally specify to delete either all existing programs in the same channel(s) as the programs to be inserted (DeleteBeforeImportOption.ProgramsOnSameChannel), or existing programs that would otherwise overlap new programs (DeleteBeforeImportOption.OverlappingPrograms), or none (DeleteBeforeImportOption.None). The deletion is also performed in the same transaction as the inserts so that EPG will not be at any time empty.

After all insert have completed and the background thread is idle for 60 seconds, the program states are automatically updated to reflect the changes.

public InsertPrograms ( List aProgramList, DeleteBeforeImportOption progamsToDelete, ThreadPriority aThreadPriority ) : int
aProgramList List A list of persistable gentle.NET Program objects mapping to the Programs table
progamsToDelete DeleteBeforeImportOption Flag specifying which existing programs to delete before the insert
aThreadPriority ThreadPriority Use "Lowest" for Background imports allowing LiveTV, AboveNormal for full speed
return int

InsertPrograms() public method

Batch inserts programs - intended for faster EPG import. You must make sure before that there are no duplicates (e.g. delete all program data of the current channel). Also you MUST provide a true copy of "aProgramList". If you update it's reference in your own code the values will get overwritten (possibly before they are written to disk)!
public InsertPrograms ( List aProgramList, ThreadPriority aThreadPriority ) : int
aProgramList List A list of persistable gentle.NET Program objects mapping to the Programs table
aThreadPriority ThreadPriority Use "Lowest" for Background imports allowing LiveTV, AboveNormal for full speed
return int

IsChannelMappedToCard() public method

public IsChannelMappedToCard ( TvDatabase.Channel dbChannel, TvDatabase.Card card, bool forEpg ) : bool
dbChannel TvDatabase.Channel
card TvDatabase.Card
forEpg bool
return bool

ListAllEnabledCardsOrderedByPriority() public method

public ListAllEnabledCardsOrderedByPriority ( ) : IList
return IList

MapChannelToCard() public method

public MapChannelToCard ( TvDatabase.Card card, TvDatabase.Channel channel, bool epgOnly ) : TvDatabase.ChannelMap
card TvDatabase.Card
channel TvDatabase.Channel
epgOnly bool
return TvDatabase.ChannelMap

OptimizeMySql() public method

Checks a MySQL table for corruption and optimizes / compacts it. Use this after lots of insert / delete operations.
public OptimizeMySql ( string aTable ) : void
aTable string The table which should be optimized. During the check process it will be locked.
return void

RemoveAllPrograms() public method

public RemoveAllPrograms ( int idChannel ) : void
idChannel int
return void

RemoveOldPrograms() public method

public RemoveOldPrograms ( ) : void
return void

RemoveOldPrograms() public method

public RemoveOldPrograms ( int idChannel ) : void
idChannel int
return void

SaveMpGenres() public method

Save the specified list of MediaPortal genres to the database.
public SaveMpGenres ( List mpGenres ) : void
mpGenres List A list of MediaPortal genre objects
return void

SearchMinimalPrograms() public method

public SearchMinimalPrograms ( System.DateTime startTime, System.DateTime endTime, string programName, TvDatabase.Channel channel ) : IList
startTime System.DateTime
endTime System.DateTime
programName string
channel TvDatabase.Channel
return IList

SearchPrograms() public method

public SearchPrograms ( string searchCriteria ) : IList
searchCriteria string
return IList

SearchPrograms() public method

public SearchPrograms ( string searchCriteria, ChannelType channelType ) : IList
searchCriteria string
channelType ChannelType
return IList

SearchProgramsByDescription() public method

public SearchProgramsByDescription ( string searchCriteria ) : IList
searchCriteria string
return IList

SearchProgramsByDescription() public method

public SearchProgramsByDescription ( string searchCriteria, ChannelType channelType ) : IList
searchCriteria string
channelType ChannelType
return IList

SearchProgramsPerGenre() public method

public SearchProgramsPerGenre ( string currentGenre, string searchCriteria ) : IList
currentGenre string
searchCriteria string
return IList

SearchProgramsPerGenre() public method

public SearchProgramsPerGenre ( string currentGenre, string searchCriteria, ChannelType channelType ) : IList
currentGenre string
searchCriteria string
channelType ChannelType
return IList

SetLogLevel() public method

Set the log level
public SetLogLevel ( ) : void
return void

UpdateTuningDetails() public method

public UpdateTuningDetails ( TvDatabase.Channel channel, IChannel tvChannel, TvDatabase.TuningDetail detail ) : TvDatabase.TuningDetail
channel TvDatabase.Channel
tvChannel IChannel
detail TvDatabase.TuningDetail
return TvDatabase.TuningDetail

WaitForInsertPrograms() public method

public WaitForInsertPrograms ( ) : void
return void

WaitForInsertPrograms() public method

public WaitForInsertPrograms ( int millisecondsTimeout ) : void
millisecondsTimeout int
return void

isSameTransponder() public method

checks if 2 schedules have a common Transponder depending on tuningdetails of their respective channels
public isSameTransponder ( TvDatabase.Schedule schedule1, TvDatabase.Schedule schedule2 ) : bool
schedule1 TvDatabase.Schedule
schedule2 TvDatabase.Schedule
return bool