C# Class THREE.Geometry

显示文件 Open project: guidovanhilst/SharpThreejs Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
buffersNeedUpdate bool
colorsNeedUpdate bool
elementsNeedUpdate bool
faces THREE.Face3[]
groupsNeedUpdate bool
lineDistancesNeedUpdate bool
normalsNeedUpdate bool
tangentsNeedUpdate bool
uvsNeedUpdate bool
vertices Vector3[]
verticesNeedUpdate bool

Public Methods

Method Description
applyMatrix ( object p ) : void
computeBoundingSphere ( ) : void
computeFaceNormals ( ) : void
computeMorphNormals ( ) : void
computeVertexNormals ( ) : void
dispose ( ) : void

Method Details

applyMatrix() public method

public applyMatrix ( object p ) : void
p object
return void

computeBoundingSphere() public method

public computeBoundingSphere ( ) : void
return void

computeFaceNormals() public method

public computeFaceNormals ( ) : void
return void

computeMorphNormals() public method

public computeMorphNormals ( ) : void
return void

computeVertexNormals() public method

public computeVertexNormals ( ) : void
return void

dispose() public method

public dispose ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

buffersNeedUpdate public_oe property

public bool buffersNeedUpdate
return bool

colorsNeedUpdate public_oe property

Set to true if the colors array has been updated.
public bool colorsNeedUpdate
return bool

elementsNeedUpdate public_oe property

Set to true if the faces array has been updated.
public bool elementsNeedUpdate
return bool

faces public_oe property

public Face3[],THREE faces
return THREE.Face3[]

groupsNeedUpdate public_oe property

public bool groupsNeedUpdate
return bool

lineDistancesNeedUpdate public_oe property

Set to true if the linedistances array has been updated.
public bool lineDistancesNeedUpdate
return bool

normalsNeedUpdate public_oe property

Set to true if the normals array has been updated.
public bool normalsNeedUpdate
return bool

tangentsNeedUpdate public_oe property

public bool tangentsNeedUpdate
return bool

uvsNeedUpdate public_oe property

Set to true if the uvs array has been updated.
public bool uvsNeedUpdate
return bool

vertices public_oe property

public Vector3[] vertices
return Vector3[]

verticesNeedUpdate public_oe property

Set to true if the vertices array has been updated.
public bool verticesNeedUpdate
return bool