C# Class System.Xml.Xsl.IlGen.StorageDescriptor

Describes the Clr type and location of items returned by an iterator. This struct is meant to be immutable.
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Public Methods

Method Description
Current ( LocalBuilder locIter, Type itemStorageType ) : StorageDescriptor

Create a StorageDescriptor for an item which is the Current item in an iterator.

Global ( MethodInfo methGlobal, Type itemStorageType, bool isCached ) : StorageDescriptor

Create a StorageDescriptor for an item located in a global variable.

Local ( LocalBuilder loc, Type itemStorageType, bool isCached ) : StorageDescriptor

Create a StorageDescriptor for an item located in a local variable.

None ( ) : StorageDescriptor

Create default, empty StorageDescriptor.

Parameter ( int paramIndex, Type itemStorageType, bool isCached ) : StorageDescriptor

Create a StorageDescriptor for an item which is a parameter to the current method.

Stack ( Type itemStorageType, bool isCached ) : StorageDescriptor

Create a StorageDescriptor for an item located on the stack.

ToLocal ( LocalBuilder loc ) : StorageDescriptor

Create a StorageDescriptor for an item located in a local variable.

ToStack ( ) : StorageDescriptor

Return copy of current descriptor, but change item's location to the stack.

ToStorageType ( Type itemStorageType ) : StorageDescriptor

Create a StorageDescriptor which is the same as this one, except for the item storage type.

Method Details

Current() public static method

Create a StorageDescriptor for an item which is the Current item in an iterator.
public static Current ( LocalBuilder locIter, Type itemStorageType ) : StorageDescriptor
locIter System.Reflection.Emit.LocalBuilder
itemStorageType System.Type
return StorageDescriptor

Global() public static method

Create a StorageDescriptor for an item located in a global variable.
public static Global ( MethodInfo methGlobal, Type itemStorageType, bool isCached ) : StorageDescriptor
methGlobal System.Reflection.MethodInfo
itemStorageType System.Type
isCached bool
return StorageDescriptor

Local() public static method

Create a StorageDescriptor for an item located in a local variable.
public static Local ( LocalBuilder loc, Type itemStorageType, bool isCached ) : StorageDescriptor
loc System.Reflection.Emit.LocalBuilder
itemStorageType System.Type
isCached bool
return StorageDescriptor

None() public static method

Create default, empty StorageDescriptor.
public static None ( ) : StorageDescriptor
return StorageDescriptor

Parameter() public static method

Create a StorageDescriptor for an item which is a parameter to the current method.
public static Parameter ( int paramIndex, Type itemStorageType, bool isCached ) : StorageDescriptor
paramIndex int
itemStorageType System.Type
isCached bool
return StorageDescriptor

Stack() public static method

Create a StorageDescriptor for an item located on the stack.
public static Stack ( Type itemStorageType, bool isCached ) : StorageDescriptor
itemStorageType System.Type
isCached bool
return StorageDescriptor

ToLocal() public method

Create a StorageDescriptor for an item located in a local variable.
public ToLocal ( LocalBuilder loc ) : StorageDescriptor
loc System.Reflection.Emit.LocalBuilder
return StorageDescriptor

ToStack() public method

Return copy of current descriptor, but change item's location to the stack.
public ToStack ( ) : StorageDescriptor
return StorageDescriptor

ToStorageType() public method

Create a StorageDescriptor which is the same as this one, except for the item storage type.
public ToStorageType ( Type itemStorageType ) : StorageDescriptor
itemStorageType System.Type
return StorageDescriptor