C# Class System.Windows.Controls.AutoCompleteSearch

A predefined set of filter functions for the known, built-in AutoCompleteFilterMode enumeration values.
显示文件 Open project: Warewolf-ESB/Warewolf

Public Methods

Method Description
Contains ( string text, string value ) : bool

Check if the prefix is contained in the string value. The current culture's case insensitive string comparison operator is used.

ContainsCaseSensitive ( string text, string value ) : bool

Check if the prefix is contained in the string value.

ContainsOrdinal ( string text, string value ) : bool

Check if the prefix is contained in the string value.

ContainsOrdinalCaseSensitive ( string text, string value ) : bool

Check if the prefix is contained in the string value.

Equals ( string text, string value ) : bool

Check if the string values are equal.

EqualsCaseSensitive ( string text, string value ) : bool

Check if the string values are equal.

EqualsOrdinal ( string text, string value ) : bool

Check if the string values are equal.

EqualsOrdinalCaseSensitive ( string text, string value ) : bool

Check if the string values are equal.

GetFilter ( AutoCompleteFilterMode FilterMode ) : AutoCompleteFilterPredicate

Index function that retrieves the filter for the provided AutoCompleteFilterMode.

StartsWith ( string text, string value ) : bool

Check if the string value begins with the text.

StartsWithCaseSensitive ( string text, string value ) : bool

Check if the string value begins with the text.

StartsWithOrdinal ( string text, string value ) : bool

Check if the string value begins with the text.

StartsWithOrdinalCaseSensitive ( string text, string value ) : bool

Check if the string value begins with the text.

Method Details

Contains() public static method

Check if the prefix is contained in the string value. The current culture's case insensitive string comparison operator is used.
public static Contains ( string text, string value ) : bool
text string The AutoCompleteBox prefix text.
value string The item's string value.
return bool

ContainsCaseSensitive() public static method

Check if the prefix is contained in the string value.
public static ContainsCaseSensitive ( string text, string value ) : bool
text string The AutoCompleteBox prefix text.
value string The item's string value.
return bool

ContainsOrdinal() public static method

Check if the prefix is contained in the string value.
public static ContainsOrdinal ( string text, string value ) : bool
text string The AutoCompleteBox prefix text.
value string The item's string value.
return bool

ContainsOrdinalCaseSensitive() public static method

Check if the prefix is contained in the string value.
public static ContainsOrdinalCaseSensitive ( string text, string value ) : bool
text string The AutoCompleteBox prefix text.
value string The item's string value.
return bool

Equals() public static method

Check if the string values are equal.
public static Equals ( string text, string value ) : bool
text string The AutoCompleteBox prefix text.
value string The item's string value.
return bool

EqualsCaseSensitive() public static method

Check if the string values are equal.
public static EqualsCaseSensitive ( string text, string value ) : bool
text string The AutoCompleteBox prefix text.
value string The item's string value.
return bool

EqualsOrdinal() public static method

Check if the string values are equal.
public static EqualsOrdinal ( string text, string value ) : bool
text string The AutoCompleteBox prefix text.
value string The item's string value.
return bool

EqualsOrdinalCaseSensitive() public static method

Check if the string values are equal.
public static EqualsOrdinalCaseSensitive ( string text, string value ) : bool
text string The AutoCompleteBox prefix text.
value string The item's string value.
return bool

GetFilter() public static method

Index function that retrieves the filter for the provided AutoCompleteFilterMode.
public static GetFilter ( AutoCompleteFilterMode FilterMode ) : AutoCompleteFilterPredicate
FilterMode AutoCompleteFilterMode The built-in search mode.
return AutoCompleteFilterPredicate

StartsWith() public static method

Check if the string value begins with the text.
public static StartsWith ( string text, string value ) : bool
text string The AutoCompleteBox prefix text.
value string The item's string value.
return bool

StartsWithCaseSensitive() public static method

Check if the string value begins with the text.
public static StartsWithCaseSensitive ( string text, string value ) : bool
text string The AutoCompleteBox prefix text.
value string The item's string value.
return bool

StartsWithOrdinal() public static method

Check if the string value begins with the text.
public static StartsWithOrdinal ( string text, string value ) : bool
text string The AutoCompleteBox prefix text.
value string The item's string value.
return bool

StartsWithOrdinalCaseSensitive() public static method

Check if the string value begins with the text.
public static StartsWithOrdinalCaseSensitive ( string text, string value ) : bool
text string The AutoCompleteBox prefix text.
value string The item's string value.
return bool