C# Class System.Net.FtpClient.FtpExtensions

Extension methods related to FTP tasks
显示文件 Open project: PrezzaTechnologies/Developer-Samples

Public Methods

Method Description
GetFtpDate ( this date, DateTimeStyles style ) : System.DateTime

Tries to convert the string FTP date representation into a date time object

GetFtpDirectoryName ( this path ) : string

Gets the directory name of a path formatted for a FTP server

GetFtpFileName ( this path ) : string

Gets the file name from the path

GetFtpPath ( this path ) : string

Converts the specified path into a valid FTP file system path

Method Details

GetFtpDate() public static method

Tries to convert the string FTP date representation into a date time object
public static GetFtpDate ( this date, DateTimeStyles style ) : System.DateTime
date this The date
style DateTimeStyles UTC/Local Time
return System.DateTime

GetFtpDirectoryName() public static method

Gets the directory name of a path formatted for a FTP server
public static GetFtpDirectoryName ( this path ) : string
path this The path
return string

GetFtpFileName() public static method

Gets the file name from the path
public static GetFtpFileName ( this path ) : string
path this The full path to the file
return string

GetFtpPath() public static method

Converts the specified path into a valid FTP file system path
public static GetFtpPath ( this path ) : string
path this The file system path
return string