C# Class SuperCaissiere.Engine.Input.Devices.Device

A game device
显示文件 Open project: valryon/super-caissiere

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
mapping ButtonState>.Dictionary
rumbles Rumble[]

Public Methods

Method Description
Equals ( object obj ) : bool
GetHashCode ( ) : int
GetState ( MappingButtons button ) : ButtonState

Get a button state.

For thumbsticks, use the thumbsticks (left / right) properties

Rumble ( Vector2 power ) : void

Make the device rumble if possible

Update ( GameTime gameTime ) : void

Update button states

Protected Methods

Method Description
Device ( LogicalPlayerIndex logicalPlayerIndex, DeviceType type, int index ) : System
SetMappingValue ( MappingButtons button, bool isDown, bool isPressed, bool isReleased ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
RumbleAssignation ( ) : void

Method Details

Device() protected method

protected Device ( LogicalPlayerIndex logicalPlayerIndex, DeviceType type, int index ) : System
logicalPlayerIndex LogicalPlayerIndex
type DeviceType
index int
return System

Equals() public method

public Equals ( object obj ) : bool
obj object
return bool

GetHashCode() public method

public GetHashCode ( ) : int
return int

GetState() public method

Get a button state.
For thumbsticks, use the thumbsticks (left / right) properties
public GetState ( MappingButtons button ) : ButtonState
button MappingButtons
return ButtonState

Rumble() public method

Make the device rumble if possible
public Rumble ( Vector2 power ) : void
power Vector2
return void

SetMappingValue() protected method

protected SetMappingValue ( MappingButtons button, bool isDown, bool isPressed, bool isReleased ) : void
button MappingButtons
isDown bool
isPressed bool
isReleased bool
return void

Update() public method

Update button states
public Update ( GameTime gameTime ) : void
gameTime Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime
return void

Property Details

mapping protected_oe property

protected Dictionary mapping
return ButtonState>.Dictionary

rumbles protected_oe property

protected Rumble[] rumbles
return Rumble[]