C# Class Spring.Retry.Retry.Policy.TimeoutRetryPolicy

A IRetryPolicy that allows a retry only if it hasn't timed out. The clock is started on a call to Open.
Inheritance: IRetryPolicy
显示文件 Open project: spring-projects/spring-net-retry

Public Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
CanRetry ( IRetryContext context ) : bool

Only permits a retry if the timeout has not expired. Does not check the exception at all.

Close ( IRetryContext context ) : void

The close.

Open ( IRetryContext parent ) : IRetryContext

The open.

RegisterException ( IRetryContext context, Exception exception ) : void

The register exception.

Method Details

CanRetry() public method

Only permits a retry if the timeout has not expired. Does not check the exception at all.
public CanRetry ( IRetryContext context ) : bool
context IRetryContext The context.
return bool

Close() public method

The close.
public Close ( IRetryContext context ) : void
context IRetryContext The context.
return void

Open() public method

The open.
public Open ( IRetryContext parent ) : IRetryContext
parent IRetryContext The parent.
return IRetryContext

RegisterException() public method

The register exception.
public RegisterException ( IRetryContext context, Exception exception ) : void
context IRetryContext The context.
exception System.Exception The exception.
return void

Property Details

DEFAULT_TIMEOUT public_oe static_oe property

public static long DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
return long