C# Class Spark.Engine.Extensions.HttpRequestFhirExtensions

显示文件 Open project: raysearchlabs/spark

Public Methods

Method Description
AcquireHeaders ( this response, Spark.Engine.Core.FhirResponse fhirResponse ) : void
CreateResponse ( this request, Spark.Engine.Core.FhirResponse fhir ) : HttpResponseMessage
GetBooleanParameter ( this request, string name ) : bool?
GetDateParameter ( this request, string name ) : DateTimeOffset?
GetEntry ( this request ) : Spark.Engine.Core.Interaction
GetIntParameter ( this request, string name ) : int?
GetValue ( this request, string key ) : string
IfMatchVersionId ( this request ) : string
IfModifiedSince ( this request ) : DateTimeOffset?
IfNoneMatch ( this request ) : IEnumerable
PreferRepresentation ( this request ) : bool
RequestSummary ( this request ) : bool
SaveEntry ( this request, Spark.Engine.Core.Interaction entry ) : void

Temporary hack! Adds a resourceEntry to the request property bag. To be picked up by the MediaTypeFormatters for adding http headers.

The SendAsync is called after the headers are set. The SetDefaultHeaders have no access to the content object. The only solution is to give the information through the Request Property Bag.

Private Methods

Method Description
CreateBareFhirResponse ( this request, Spark.Engine.Core.FhirResponse fhir ) : HttpResponseMessage
WithoutQuotes ( string s ) : string

Method Details

AcquireHeaders() public static method

public static AcquireHeaders ( this response, Spark.Engine.Core.FhirResponse fhirResponse ) : void
response this
fhirResponse Spark.Engine.Core.FhirResponse
return void

CreateResponse() public static method

public static CreateResponse ( this request, Spark.Engine.Core.FhirResponse fhir ) : HttpResponseMessage
request this
fhir Spark.Engine.Core.FhirResponse
return System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage

GetBooleanParameter() public static method

public static GetBooleanParameter ( this request, string name ) : bool?
request this
name string
return bool?

GetDateParameter() public static method

public static GetDateParameter ( this request, string name ) : DateTimeOffset?
request this
name string
return DateTimeOffset?

GetEntry() public static method

public static GetEntry ( this request ) : Spark.Engine.Core.Interaction
request this
return Spark.Engine.Core.Interaction

GetIntParameter() public static method

public static GetIntParameter ( this request, string name ) : int?
request this
name string
return int?

GetValue() public static method

public static GetValue ( this request, string key ) : string
request this
key string
return string

IfMatchVersionId() public static method

public static IfMatchVersionId ( this request ) : string
request this
return string

IfModifiedSince() public static method

public static IfModifiedSince ( this request ) : DateTimeOffset?
request this
return DateTimeOffset?

IfNoneMatch() public static method

public static IfNoneMatch ( this request ) : IEnumerable
request this
return IEnumerable

PreferRepresentation() public static method

public static PreferRepresentation ( this request ) : bool
request this
return bool

RequestSummary() public static method

public static RequestSummary ( this request ) : bool
request this
return bool

SaveEntry() public static method

Temporary hack! Adds a resourceEntry to the request property bag. To be picked up by the MediaTypeFormatters for adding http headers.
The SendAsync is called after the headers are set. The SetDefaultHeaders have no access to the content object. The only solution is to give the information through the Request Property Bag.
public static SaveEntry ( this request, Spark.Engine.Core.Interaction entry ) : void
request this
entry Spark.Engine.Core.Interaction The resource entry with information to generate headers
return void