C# Class SobekCM.Library.Citation.SectionWriter.UserTags_SectionWriter

Special citation section writer adds any user tags to the citation
This class implements the iCitationSectionWriter interface.
Inheritance: iCitationSectionWriter
显示文件 Open project: MarkVSullivan/SobekCM-Web-Application Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Has_Data_To_Write ( CitationElement ElementInfo, BriefItemInfo Item ) : bool

Returns flag that indicates this citation section writer will be writing alues to the output stream

Write_Citation_Section ( CitationElement ElementInfo, StringBuilder Output, BriefItemInfo Item, int LeftColumnWidth, string SearchLink, string SearchLinkEnd, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void

Wites a section of citation from a provided digital resource

Method Details

Has_Data_To_Write() public method

Returns flag that indicates this citation section writer will be writing alues to the output stream
public Has_Data_To_Write ( CitationElement ElementInfo, BriefItemInfo Item ) : bool
ElementInfo SobekCM.Core.UI_Configuration.Citation.CitationElement Additional possible data about this citation element
Item SobekCM.Core.BriefItem.BriefItemInfo Digital resource to analyze for data to write
return bool

Write_Citation_Section() public method

Wites a section of citation from a provided digital resource
public Write_Citation_Section ( CitationElement ElementInfo, StringBuilder Output, BriefItemInfo Item, int LeftColumnWidth, string SearchLink, string SearchLinkEnd, Custom_Tracer Tracer ) : void
ElementInfo SobekCM.Core.UI_Configuration.Citation.CitationElement Additional possible data about this citation element
Output StringBuilder Response stream for the item viewer to write directly to
Item SobekCM.Core.BriefItem.BriefItemInfo Digital resource with all the data to write
LeftColumnWidth int Number of pixels of the left column, or the definition terms
SearchLink string Beginning of the search link that can be used to allow the web patron to select a term and run a search against this instance
SearchLinkEnd string End of the search link that can be used to allow the web patron to select a term and run a search against this instance
Tracer SobekCM.Tools.Custom_Tracer Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering
return void