C# Class SobekCM.Library.Citation.Elements.Attribution_Element

Element allows simple entry of the attribution for an item
This class extends the simpleTextBox_Element class.
Inheritance: simpleTextBox_Element
显示文件 Open project: MarkVSullivan/SobekCM-Web-Application

Public Methods

Method Description
Attribution_Element ( ) : System.IO

Constructor for a new instance of the Attribution_Element class

Prepare_For_Save ( SobekCM_Item Bib, User_Object Current_User ) : void

Prepares the bib object for the save, by clearing any existing data in this element's related field(s)

This does nothing since there is only one attribution statement

Render_Template_HTML ( TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL ) : void

Renders the HTML for this element

This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder

Save_Constant_To_Bib ( SobekCM_Item Bib ) : void

Saves the constants to the bib id

Save_To_Bib ( SobekCM_Item Bib ) : void

Saves the data rendered by this element to the provided bibliographic object during postback

Method Details

Attribution_Element() public method

Constructor for a new instance of the Attribution_Element class
public Attribution_Element ( ) : System.IO
return System.IO

Prepare_For_Save() public method

Prepares the bib object for the save, by clearing any existing data in this element's related field(s)
This does nothing since there is only one attribution statement
public Prepare_For_Save ( SobekCM_Item Bib, User_Object Current_User ) : void
Bib SobekCM.Resource_Object.SobekCM_Item Existing digital resource object which may already have values for this element's data field(s)
Current_User SobekCM.Core.Users.User_Object Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered
return void

Render_Template_HTML() public method

Renders the HTML for this element
This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder
public Render_Template_HTML ( TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL ) : void
Output System.IO.TextWriter Textwriter to write the HTML for this element
Bib SobekCM.Resource_Object.SobekCM_Item Object to populate this element from
Skin_Code string Code for the current skin
IsMozilla bool Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)
PopupFormBuilder System.Text.StringBuilder Builder for any related popup forms for this element
Current_User SobekCM.Core.Users.User_Object Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered
CurrentLanguage Web_Language_Enum Current user-interface language
Translator SobekCM.Core.ApplicationState.Language_Support_Info Language support object which handles simple translational duties
Base_URL string Base URL for the current request
return void

Save_Constant_To_Bib() public method

Saves the constants to the bib id
public Save_Constant_To_Bib ( SobekCM_Item Bib ) : void
Bib SobekCM.Resource_Object.SobekCM_Item Object into which to save this element's constant data
return void

Save_To_Bib() public method

Saves the data rendered by this element to the provided bibliographic object during postback
public Save_To_Bib ( SobekCM_Item Bib ) : void
Bib SobekCM.Resource_Object.SobekCM_Item Object into which to save the user's data, entered into the html rendered by this element
return void