C# Class SobekCM.Core.Navigation.UrlWriterHelper

Class is used to write the standard SobekCM URL from the navigation object
显示文件 Open project: MarkVSullivan/SobekCM-Web-Application

Public Methods

Method Description
Redirect ( Navigation_Object Current_Mode ) : void

Redirect the user to the current mode's URL

This does not stop execution immediately (which would raise a ThreadAbortedException and be costly in terms of performance) but it does set the Request_Completed flag, which should be checked and will effectively stop any further actions.

Redirect ( Navigation_Object Current_Mode, bool Flush_Response ) : void

Redirect the user to the current mode's URL

This does not stop execution immediately (which would raise a ThreadAbortedException and be costly in terms of performance) but it does set the Request_Completed flag, which should be checked and will effectively stop any further actions.

Redirect_URL ( Navigation_Object Current_Mode ) : string

Returns the URL to redirect the user's browser, based on the current mode and specifics for this mode.

Redirect_URL ( Navigation_Object Current_Mode, bool Include_URL_Opts ) : string

Returns the URL to redirect the user's browser, based on the current mode and specifics for this mode.

Redirect_URL ( Navigation_Object Current_Mode, string Item_View_Code ) : string

Returns the URL to redirect the user's browser, based on the current mode and specifics for this mode.

Redirect_URL ( Navigation_Object Current_Mode, string Item_View_Code, bool Include_URL_Opts ) : string

Returns the URL to redirect the user's browser, based on the current mode and specifics for this mode.

URL_Options ( Navigation_Object Current_Mode ) : string

Returns the URL options the user has currently set

Private Methods

Method Description
create_basic_url ( string this_base_url, string main_codes, string Remaining_Url_Segments, string urlOptions1 ) : string

Method Details

Redirect() public static method

Redirect the user to the current mode's URL
This does not stop execution immediately (which would raise a ThreadAbortedException and be costly in terms of performance) but it does set the Request_Completed flag, which should be checked and will effectively stop any further actions.
public static Redirect ( Navigation_Object Current_Mode ) : void
Current_Mode Navigation_Object
return void

Redirect() public static method

Redirect the user to the current mode's URL
This does not stop execution immediately (which would raise a ThreadAbortedException and be costly in terms of performance) but it does set the Request_Completed flag, which should be checked and will effectively stop any further actions.
public static Redirect ( Navigation_Object Current_Mode, bool Flush_Response ) : void
Current_Mode Navigation_Object Current navigation object which contains the information
Flush_Response bool Flag indicates if the response should be flushed
return void

Redirect_URL() public static method

Returns the URL to redirect the user's browser, based on the current mode and specifics for this mode.
public static Redirect_URL ( Navigation_Object Current_Mode ) : string
Current_Mode Navigation_Object
return string

Redirect_URL() public static method

Returns the URL to redirect the user's browser, based on the current mode and specifics for this mode.
public static Redirect_URL ( Navigation_Object Current_Mode, bool Include_URL_Opts ) : string
Current_Mode Navigation_Object Current navigation object which contains the information
Include_URL_Opts bool Flag indicates whether to include URL opts or not
return string

Redirect_URL() public static method

Returns the URL to redirect the user's browser, based on the current mode and specifics for this mode.
public static Redirect_URL ( Navigation_Object Current_Mode, string Item_View_Code ) : string
Current_Mode Navigation_Object Current navigation object which contains the information
Item_View_Code string Item view code to display
return string

Redirect_URL() public static method

Returns the URL to redirect the user's browser, based on the current mode and specifics for this mode.
public static Redirect_URL ( Navigation_Object Current_Mode, string Item_View_Code, bool Include_URL_Opts ) : string
Current_Mode Navigation_Object Current navigation object which inludes all the navigation necessary objects
Item_View_Code string Item view code to display
Include_URL_Opts bool Flag indicates whether to include URL opts or not
return string

URL_Options() public static method

Returns the URL options the user has currently set
public static URL_Options ( Navigation_Object Current_Mode ) : string
Current_Mode Navigation_Object
return string