C# Class Snooze.AutoMock.Castle.MoqContrib.AutoMock.MockGenerator

Inheritance: MoqContrib.AutoMock.IMockGenerator
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Public Methods

Method Description
Generate ( Type type ) : Mock

Central location for creating mocks. The mocks created here can be cast to Mock<T> later.

Private Methods

Method Description
GetMockType ( Type type ) : Type
InstantiateMock ( Type type ) : Mock
InstantiateMock ( Type type, object parameters ) : Mock
InstantiateMockForConstructor ( Type type, ConstructorInfo ctor ) : Mock
ResolveConstructorAndInstantiateMock ( Type type ) : Mock

Method Details

Generate() public method

Central location for creating mocks. The mocks created here can be cast to Mock<T> later.
public Generate ( Type type ) : Mock
type System.Type the type of mock to generate
return Mock