C# Class SilverlightFX.UserInterface.Transitions.Flip

Represents a flip effect that can be attached to a container with two child elements. The effect flips one element to another.
Inheritance: System.Windows.Media.Glitz.Transition
显示文件 Open project: nikhilk/silverlightfx

Protected Methods

Method Description
CreateTransitionAnimation ( System.Windows.Controls.Panel container, AnimationEffectDirection direction ) : ProceduralAnimation
OnDetach ( ) : void

Method Details

CreateTransitionAnimation() protected method

protected CreateTransitionAnimation ( System.Windows.Controls.Panel container, AnimationEffectDirection direction ) : ProceduralAnimation
container System.Windows.Controls.Panel
direction AnimationEffectDirection
return System.Windows.Media.Glitz.ProceduralAnimation

OnDetach() protected method

protected OnDetach ( ) : void
return void