C# Class SharpMap.Rendering.VectorRenderer

This class renders individual geometry features to a graphics object using the settings of a map object.
显示文件 Open project: jumpinjackie/fdotoolbox

Public Methods

Method Description
DrawLabel ( System g, System LabelPoint, System Offset, System font, System forecolor, System backcolor, System halo, float rotation, string text, SharpMap map ) : void

Renders a label to the map.

DrawLineString ( System g, Geometries line, System pen, SharpMap map ) : void

Renders a LineString to the map.

DrawMultiLineString ( System g, Geometries lines, System pen, SharpMap map ) : void

Renders a MultiLineString to the map.

DrawMultiPoint ( System g, Geometries points, System symbol, float symbolscale, System offset, float rotation, SharpMap map ) : void

Renders a SharpMap.Geometries.MultiPoint to the map.

DrawMultiPolygon ( System g, Geometries pols, System brush, System pen, bool clip, SharpMap map ) : void

Renders a multipolygon byt rendering each polygon in the collection by calling DrawPolygon.

DrawPoint ( System g, SharpMap point, System symbol, float symbolscale, System offset, float rotation, SharpMap map ) : void

Renders a point to the map.

DrawPolygon ( System g, SharpMap pol, System brush, System pen, bool clip, SharpMap map ) : void

Renders a polygon to the map.

Private Methods

Method Description
clipPolygon ( System vertices, int width, int height ) : System.Drawing.PointF[]

Clips a polygon to the view. Based on UMN Mapserver renderer [This method is currently not used. It seems faster just to draw the outside points as well)

Method Details

DrawLabel() public static method

Renders a label to the map.
public static DrawLabel ( System g, System LabelPoint, System Offset, System font, System forecolor, System backcolor, System halo, float rotation, string text, SharpMap map ) : void
g System Graphics reference
LabelPoint System Label placement
Offset System Offset of label in screen coordinates
font System Font used for rendering
forecolor System Font forecolor
backcolor System Background color
halo System Color of halo
rotation float Text rotation in degrees
text string Text to render
map SharpMap Map reference
return void

DrawLineString() public static method

Renders a LineString to the map.
public static DrawLineString ( System g, Geometries line, System pen, SharpMap map ) : void
g System Graphics reference
line Geometries LineString to render
pen System Pen style used for rendering
map SharpMap Map reference
return void

DrawMultiLineString() public static method

Renders a MultiLineString to the map.
public static DrawMultiLineString ( System g, Geometries lines, System pen, SharpMap map ) : void
g System Graphics reference
lines Geometries MultiLineString to be rendered
pen System Pen style used for rendering
map SharpMap Map reference
return void

DrawMultiPoint() public static method

Renders a SharpMap.Geometries.MultiPoint to the map.
public static DrawMultiPoint ( System g, Geometries points, System symbol, float symbolscale, System offset, float rotation, SharpMap map ) : void
g System Graphics reference
points Geometries MultiPoint to render
symbol System Symbol to place over point
symbolscale float The amount that the symbol should be scaled. A scale of '1' equals to no scaling
offset System Symbol offset af scale=1
rotation float Symbol rotation in degrees
map SharpMap Map reference
return void

DrawMultiPolygon() public static method

Renders a multipolygon byt rendering each polygon in the collection by calling DrawPolygon.
public static DrawMultiPolygon ( System g, Geometries pols, System brush, System pen, bool clip, SharpMap map ) : void
g System Graphics reference
pols Geometries MultiPolygon to render
brush System Brush used for filling (null or transparent for no filling)
pen System Outline pen style (null if no outline)
clip bool Specifies whether polygon clipping should be applied
map SharpMap Map reference
return void

DrawPoint() public static method

Renders a point to the map.
public static DrawPoint ( System g, SharpMap point, System symbol, float symbolscale, System offset, float rotation, SharpMap map ) : void
g System Graphics reference
point SharpMap Point to render
symbol System Symbol to place over point
symbolscale float The amount that the symbol should be scaled. A scale of '1' equals to no scaling
offset System Symbol offset af scale=1
rotation float Symbol rotation in degrees
map SharpMap Map reference
return void

DrawPolygon() public static method

Renders a polygon to the map.
public static DrawPolygon ( System g, SharpMap pol, System brush, System pen, bool clip, SharpMap map ) : void
g System Graphics reference
pol SharpMap Polygon to render
brush System Brush used for filling (null or transparent for no filling)
pen System Outline pen style (null if no outline)
clip bool Specifies whether polygon clipping should be applied
map SharpMap Map reference
return void