C# Class SharpMap.CoordinateSystems.Projections.TransverseMercator

Summary description for MathTransform.

Universal (UTM) and Modified (MTM) Transverses Mercator projections. This is a cylindrical projection, in which the cylinder has been rotated 90°. Instead of being tangent to the equator (or to an other standard latitude), it is tangent to a central meridian. Deformation are more important as we are going futher from the central meridian. The Transverse Mercator projection is appropriate for region wich have a greater extent north-south than east-west.

Reference: John P. Snyder (Map Projections - A Working Manual, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, 1987)

Inheritance: MapProjection
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Public Methods

Method Description
DegreesToMeters ( SharpMap lonlat ) : SharpMap.Geometries.Point

Converts coordinates in decimal degrees to projected meters.

Inverse ( ) : IMathTransform

Returns the inverse of this projection.

MetersToDegrees ( SharpMap p ) : SharpMap.Geometries.Point

Converts coordinates in projected meters to decimal degrees.

TransverseMercator ( List parameters ) : System

Creates an instance of an TransverseMercatorProjection projection object.

TransverseMercator ( List parameters, bool inverse ) : System

Creates an instance of an TransverseMercatorProjection projection object.

ItemsDescriptions semi_majorSemi major radius semi_minorSemi minor radius scale_factor central meridian latitude_origin false_easting false_northing

Method Details

DegreesToMeters() public method

Converts coordinates in decimal degrees to projected meters.
public DegreesToMeters ( SharpMap lonlat ) : SharpMap.Geometries.Point
lonlat SharpMap The point in decimal degrees.
return SharpMap.Geometries.Point

Inverse() public method

Returns the inverse of this projection.
public Inverse ( ) : IMathTransform
return IMathTransform

MetersToDegrees() public method

Converts coordinates in projected meters to decimal degrees.
public MetersToDegrees ( SharpMap p ) : SharpMap.Geometries.Point
p SharpMap Point in meters
return SharpMap.Geometries.Point

TransverseMercator() public method

Creates an instance of an TransverseMercatorProjection projection object.
public TransverseMercator ( List parameters ) : System
parameters List List of parameters to initialize the projection.
return System

TransverseMercator() public method

Creates an instance of an TransverseMercatorProjection projection object.
ItemsDescriptions semi_majorSemi major radius semi_minorSemi minor radius scale_factor central meridian latitude_origin false_easting false_northing
public TransverseMercator ( List parameters, bool inverse ) : System
parameters List List of parameters to initialize the projection.
inverse bool Flag indicating wether is a forward/projection (false) or an inverse projection (true).
return System